McDermottsAngel - Page 13

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Here is my essay, if you guys wanted to read it. I don't really know if it's good or not, but yeah.

Echosmith is an indie and alternative pop band formed in Chino, California. It is made up of the four Sierota siblings - Sydney, Noah, Jamie and Graham. They are best known for their song, 'Cool Kids', which was a huge success, as it was named the fifth biggest selling single of 2014. 1.3 million downloads of the single were sold, and it was certified as double platinum, with over See More
No problem!! ^^
on September 23, 2016
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Wow. ?
on September 23, 2016
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Thanks again, haha. ☺
on September 23, 2016
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Ah, okay! Great job on it!!!
on September 23, 2016
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(The information you added saying how you had 2 days to do it and it's 2 pages on paper popped up after I responded. Right after.)
on September 23, 2016
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on September 23, 2016
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I just finished writing my Echosmith essay. I'm kind of scared for the teacher to mark it, because then people will know more about me. But everyone already knows everything about me now, and I've already done a lot of things this week that scared me. So I'm not really that worried.
on September 23, 2016
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Also, I have to write an informative essay for English about something I'm a fan of, and I don't really know what to do it about.

This morning I was scared to write the essay, but now I kind of feel okay about writing about one of my idols, because I've thought about it, and people at school don't know who most of them are. I'm not going to write it about Mika or Charlie McDermott, though, because they mean too much to me. I think I might do it about Echosmith, because people See More
on September 22, 2016
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My mum talked to me about what the form tutor said, and she said that I don't deserve to be treated like that, and that she is going to either go and talk to her or send her an email. ?
on September 22, 2016
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Today was quite good. Not as good as it could have been, but it was a lot better than yesterday, and I'm relieved to have had an okay day after what happened over the past few days.

I thought today was going to be horrible again, because of the fact that I didn't get a textbook in Maths this morning and I couldn't ask for one, so I had to make up my own questions and try to get through the lesson. The teachers didn't even notice, and it was just bad.

But I made a shepherd's See More
on September 22, 2016
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I also wanted to tell my mum about it today, because I really want to tell her so she will yell at the teacher for what she did, and make her realise that what she did was wrong. But I just don't know how to bring up the fact that the teacher told everyone about my disorder when I wasn't there. :/

I know, that's why I usually tell her about things that happen at school if they concern the behaviour of other kids or teachers. She agrees with all of it, and she probably hates the school even more than I do.
on September 22, 2016
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That's exactly what I was going to do, because my mum always asks me how my day was when I get out of school. I was going to tell her today, but then I got scared and didn't do it. :/
on September 21, 2016
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on September 21, 2016
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Oh. Yeah, it would.
on September 21, 2016
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Hmm. But I think just telling her would be easier, because if I wrote it down she'd ask why I couldn't just talk about it.
on September 21, 2016
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on September 21, 2016
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Today was horrible, again.

In Maths, I was doing my work, and this boy who was sat next to me started trying to get me to talk to him. When I didn't answer, the girl who was sat on the other side of him started telling him that the reason I didn't talk to him was because of the fact that I had Asperger's, and she said that my brain doesn't think of anything to say when people talk to me. I was angry, because that wasn't true at all. I do think of things to say, a lot of things, See More

I know. And I really don't think they will forget, they're telling everyone.
on September 21, 2016
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*hugs you back*
on September 21, 2016
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*hugs* *rubs your back*
on September 21, 2016
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on September 21, 2016
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I updated Priceless. ?
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Chapter 24 - Wattpad
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Chapter 24 - Wattpad
Victoria has always been an outcast. Nobody has ever wanted to be friends with her, because she doesn't talk. That is, until a boy named Mica Penniman starts a...
on September 20, 2016
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Today was absolutely awful.

In PSHE, TheDoctorsQueen told me about something horrible that had happened. She said that in form the other day, when I was late to school, everyone was talking about me when I wasn't there. Everyone was asking the teacher why I didn't get into trouble when I was late, and she started telling the whole form about the fact that I have Asperger's. She was telling everyone all sorts of lies about me, and she was telling them that the reason I was late See More

I know. :/
on September 21, 2016
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You're welcome!
on September 20, 2016
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Thanks. ?
on September 20, 2016
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*hugs* It'll get better one day. I have the feeling you'll make it farther in life than any of those bozos.
on September 20, 2016
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on September 20, 2016
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Today in Maths, I was answering some questions, and one of them said, "Mike takes his wife and his three children to Disney World." at the beginning of it. And I laughed because I thought of The Wonderful World Of Hecks. ?
on September 19, 2016
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Also, did I tell you guys that I'm trying to be more positive and happy now? I've not felt bad about myself since before the summer holidays, and I'm more than two months clean now, which is the longest I have ever been clean. And I've been trying to put all of the energy and anger I would have wasted on hating myself into my stories and my project books, so that I can turn the bad feelings into something productive. I'm also trying to do this so I can inspire other people more, See More

Yeah. . .
on September 21, 2016
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Yeah, haha. Nobody uploads selfies without them anymore, though. Everyone always just uses filters for everything, and that's kind of sad in a way because we're not showing our true selves, and we're hiding behind filters just so people will compliment us.
on September 20, 2016
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Aww, thank you. ??
on September 20, 2016
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Thanks. ?
on September 19, 2016
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Aww, thanks, haha. But I think that's also to do with the fact that I can actually use Snapchat filters now, because I've never really been able to use them before. And I think I just look better with filters. But maybe I look more positive too. ?
on September 19, 2016
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on September 19, 2016
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Today was okay, apart from the fact that my English book finally got marked, and I found out that the teacher didn't like the future chapter of Disguise that I wrote for my baseline assessment.

She criticised my writing a lot, and she left a comment saying that it wasn't very original. She kept saying that every paragraph was one sentence, when it actually wasn't, and all of my paragraphs were about five sentences long. She said that I had too much speech and not enough narrative, See More

Yeah. ?
on September 19, 2016
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Oh nice.
on September 19, 2016
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Yeah, I agree. And this teacher can teach, I guess, but she still probably knows nothing about creativity. A lot of people think I'm a good writer, and few people don't, so she probably doesn't know that much.
on September 19, 2016
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Yeah. In the future when I go to college, I want to take journalism and English as my subjects. When my school had a day where colleges came to school and talked to everyone, I saw a course like that. I might do it in the future if I can. And if you're really that interested in Disguise, you can read it on my W attpad, which is the same as my Qfeast See More
on September 19, 2016
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Teachers don't understand how creativity works.
They beat it out of you.
I'd say wait until college or whatever it is over there and take English as a subject maybe.
Tbh you just talking about the story makes me seem interested.
on September 19, 2016
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on September 19, 2016
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I published it. ??
on September 18, 2016
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on September 18, 2016
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I'm going to put Why I Love My Idols on Qfeast now as well. ?
on September 18, 2016
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I published my new story, Why I Love My Idols, on W attpad. ??
Why I Love My Idols - Author's Notes - Wattpad
Why I Love My Idols - Author's Notes - Wattpad
This is basically just where I talk about each of my idols and the reasons why I love them so much.
on September 18, 2016
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I just looked for the picture on her wall, and she deleted it. If it was still there, I would definitely have starred it, haha. ??
on September 18, 2016
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Oh my gosh. ?

I just realised that a while ago, @Fearless literally posted a picture comparing Mika to Charlie McDermott. And I remember commenting on it saying that I 'didn't even know who the other guy was', and @jenesaispas commented saying that he was 'probably just some commercial guy'. ??

If only I had known back then that he would be my idol in the future. ??

Yeah, haha. It's from the episode Major Anxiety, which is episode three of season six, if you wanted to know. ?
on September 19, 2016
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Yeah, haha. ??
Also, is it bad that I know exactly what episode of The Middle that screenshot was from? ?
on September 19, 2016
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on September 18, 2016
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on September 18, 2016
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on September 18, 2016
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