McDermottsAngel - Page 15

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
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on September 10, 2016
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McDermottsAngel's Photo 10
on September 10, 2016
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on September 10, 2016
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5+ likes and I'll answer these:

1. Do you enjoy drama? I kind of do, but I'm not as involved with it nowadays as I used to be.
2. Are you a girly girl? I guess I am.
3. Are you short? I used to think I was tall, but it turned out I was the fifth shortest person in my year at school, so yeah.
4. Do you like somebody? No.
5. How many best guy friends do you have? I don't have any friends that are boys, unless you count the boys that sit with me at lunch because of TheDoctorsQueen. See More
on September 10, 2016
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How have I lost over 20 followers in one day? :/
on September 10, 2016
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Also, SkyDoesMinecraft Girl is in my old English teacher's class now, and she told me that she was joking about suicide and saying that she wouldn't care if someone she knew wanted to die. Again. I told her that she said things like that before, but now she's seen it for herself. SkyDoesMinecraft Girl said that she even stood up to the teacher and said that what she was saying was wrong, but apparently the teacher said that she didn't care.
on September 09, 2016
About Author
Today in form, something really bad happened. The form tutor wasn't in school, so this teaching assistant was with us this morning, and she did some really disgusting things.

She kept swearing all the time for no reason at all, and she kept laughing whenever the other kids swore as well. She let people get away with things like not bringing their stationery, and not bringing any money to buy more, and she just kept talking about her horrible opinions on things in school all the See More
on September 09, 2016
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I wish that the Charlie McDermott emoji that they use on the adverts for The Middle was a real emoji.
on September 09, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on September 09, 2016
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I wrote an Axl Heck fanfic. ?
The Happiness Project (An Axl Heck Fanfic) - MikasPrincess/Victoria - Wattpad
The Happiness Project (An Axl Heck Fanfic) - MikasPrincess/Victoria - Wattpad
Axl. One of the most, if not the most, popular person in his school. Loved by everyone, and good at everything. Plays football, and is an aspiring athlete. Vi...
on September 09, 2016
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Today was okay, again. ?
on September 08, 2016
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Today was okay. ?
on September 07, 2016
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Today was actually okay. My new English classroom was where I thought it was, and SkyDoesMinecraft Girl was in school.

But one thing that happened today was that in form, TheDoctorsQueen asked me why I had been reblogging a lot of things related to Charlie McDermott's character, Axl Heck, on Tumblr. That kind of scared me, because I didn't really want her to know about him, and when she mentioned it, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. But I just said that I had a See More
on September 06, 2016
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Reasons why going back to school might not be scary:

Most of my classrooms are the same, and I know where most of them are.
I have the same form tutor and the same form room, because my form tutor was one of the few teachers that didn't leave the school this year.
Some of the kids that disrupt lessons won't be doing the same subjects as me, so they might not be in my lessons.

Reasons why tomorrow could be scary:

I don't know where my English classroom is, and I'm probably going See More
on September 06, 2016
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By the way, guys, I got a new phone today. ?

on September 08, 2016
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Really? It wasn't broken, I just preferred to use other devices because it was kind of slow.
on September 08, 2016
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I've always been able to use WhatsApp, but I only use it to talk to my parents.
on September 08, 2016
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A Vodafone Smart Prime 7. ☺
on September 08, 2016
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on September 06, 2016
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I go back to school tomorrow, and I'm not actually that worried about it, which is good because there's usually a lot of things that I'm scared about. I'm not that scared because I know where most of my lessons are this year, and I'm not in a different form, so it's mostly going to be okay.

But I'm scared about two things that might happen tomorrow. I don't know where my new English classroom is, because on the school website it says that it's in a room that I've never heard See More

Thanks. I hope I do.
on September 06, 2016
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on September 05, 2016
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Holly Bourne just tweeted me saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MAY YOU HAVE ALL THE BOOKS!" with a happy birthday GIF. ??
on September 05, 2016
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Today I'm going to tweet all of my idols telling them that it's my birthday, because most of them notice people on their birthdays, and I might have a better chance of being noticed. ☺
on September 05, 2016
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I updated Priceless. ?
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Chapter 22 - Wattpad
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Chapter 22 - Wattpad
Victoria has always been an outcast. Nobody has ever wanted to be friends with her, because she doesn't talk. That is, until a boy named Mica Penniman starts a...
on September 05, 2016
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Today is my 15th birthday. ?????

*starts singing Celebrate*

Thank you! And it's okay. ?
on September 05, 2016
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Sorry it's already halfway through the day but happy birthday!!! I hope you have a great rest of the day : D
on September 05, 2016
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Thank you! ☺
on September 05, 2016
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Happy Birthday! ?? ?
on September 05, 2016
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Thanks! ?
on September 05, 2016
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on September 05, 2016
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