Your so cool I like you!Uhmm are you a boy or girl

yea thats more like it :D
on June 13, 2014

not really xD
on June 13, 2014

u sure ur a girl Emo?? :D
on June 12, 2014

girl xDD thanks :3
on June 11, 2014
on June 10, 2014

ur profie pic is awesomeness!
on June 10, 2014

omg we r so alike! thx for following me!!! btw luv da profile pic
on June 09, 2014

tanks 4 d follow n i LOVE FOOD 2 :D

on June 07, 2014
on June 07, 2014

i might just unfollow everyone for a while nd follow all my followers only :p so plz sont unfollow me if u already are cuz i will follow back :)

@emojtklover ... I GOT KIK MAWWY XD :D XD XD XD its fine i got it i got it i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
on July 17, 2014

wat exactly is kik? i cant get it!! send me the full name for the kik thing or i hav to scroll up the fb chat we had
on June 15, 2014

O.O u still did though :D :p i'll get messenger back on my phone tooooooooooo... n kik of course -_-
on June 13, 2014
on June 07, 2014

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Emo_jeff_the_killer_lover

hahahahhahahaha well when i'm on i rush on here (do the same on fb :p ) ~ the helplessness of being separated by this loooong distance of ONLY 1 HOUR DIFFERENCE!! NO SERIOUSLY!!
on June 13, 2014
on May 28, 2014

"FOOD is all i love" XD ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D
on May 15, 2014

wow a hundred subscribers! that's amazing :)

on May 21, 2014
on May 12, 2014

Hey! Wassup????
on April 23, 2014

helloooooo.. just thought i should annoy you here toooooooooooo :p
on April 07, 2014

if you know Wolfgang that is me i made a new account because i forgot may password so please follow me B):D
on March 30, 2014

on March 19, 2014

on March 17, 2014

i passed by n just wanted to say that i looooooooooooove you :D hehehehehe..
on March 09, 2014

Jeff the killer is one of the best murderers there is! :)
on March 04, 2014