Mj lovers? Whoelse is here other than me
I love him and all his songs and dance moves especially the moon walk
I love him and all his songs and dance moves especially the moon walk

I don't like him but I live how he sings in carry me there. I had to sing it for a concert in my school.
on July 21, 2013

I'm starting with the man in the mirror, and I'm asking him to change his ways! I love this song <3
on July 21, 2013
on July 21, 2013

Hello.I don't believe we've met before.I'm Jamie.
on July 21, 2013


Not to be mean, but I don't feel like reading anything right now. I'm watching Bones right now. SUCH AN AWESOME SHOW!!!!!
on July 25, 2013
on July 20, 2013

You teased JayfeatherLover with beef and stuff! You make me laugh! Hahaha
on July 19, 2013

If your name is Maryam, then why is your username Jamiestafford21?

well i made a qfeast id with my real name but then i forgot the password i made a new id and named if jamiestafford21 becuz i really like the name jamie stafford and the number 2 is my name's numerlogy munber and 1 is my tarot card/also life path...wbu??
on July 19, 2013
on July 19, 2013

im from pakistan too! i dont live there but i originate from there
on July 19, 2013

Do you have a YouTube channel?

yeah i know! But i'm not really a big fan of harry potter it's not my favorite movie i like twilight more
on July 19, 2013

Do you mean part 1 and part 2 of Harry potter and the deathly hallows? Cuz that's part 1 and part 2 of the 7th movie. There are 6 other Harry Potter movies that come before those two.
on July 19, 2013
on July 19, 2013


oh my birthday comes in sep! I'm in 9th grade. And right now it's my summer vications..... So what kind of a girl are u in your school?? Are the popular one or nerd??
on July 19, 2013
on July 19, 2013

Anyone here uses twitter?
If anyone does so please follow me at maryam_houth
If anyone does so please follow me at maryam_houth
on July 15, 2013

why can't i upload an image from a mobile...i choose the image but there is no upload button??
on July 13, 2013

hello qfeast!!
I CAN't delete my comments??? Why why why??
I CAN't delete my comments??? Why why why??

it does'nt show me any errors, it just does'nt go away no matter how many times i try to delete it and i'm using the mobile version of qfeast
on July 11, 2013

Is it showing you an error? Are you using desktop/mobile version of Qfeast? Thank you in advance for your answers.
on July 11, 2013

i answered a question and i wanna delete it, i press the delete button but nothing changes it's still there!! :(( and no i'm not trying to delete it from the notifications page
on July 10, 2013

Please tel more details? What type of comments ? Of your quizzes? Stories? Or profile posts? Are you trying to delete the comments from notifications page?
on July 10, 2013
on July 10, 2013

i've changed my email and it says it has sent me a cofirmation email or something like that! But i did'nt get anything....i've checked my whole gmail id

on July 09, 2013

i did check my email inbox and there is nothing from qfeast and the email i've set in qfeast is correct
on July 09, 2013

Have you checked also the "Spam" or "Junk" folder in your email account?
if so, please double check the email address you have set in Qfeast is correct.
if so, please double check the email address you have set in Qfeast is correct.
on July 09, 2013
on July 09, 2013

:D why can't i request membership on any page. I try i click the button but my request does'nt goes to the manager of the page i'm using nokia N8-00 i can't do it from mobile site nor from dekstop site

but the manager of the page said that she did'nt recieve my request!! So she said me to report this complain to you :(( my sister who also uses qfeast tried to reques membership on my page (using the same mobile as i do) and i did'nt recieve any requests!!! :((
on July 11, 2013

When you request page membership, all members will receive notifications about this. They can accept or ignore silently your request
on July 11, 2013
on July 09, 2013

Who hates me?i still love you :) :D

You're okay I guess....I don't HATE you, but I don't love you either 'cause I don't really know you..... :(
on July 08, 2013
on July 08, 2013