I hate when someone lies to you and you obviously know that they are lying but you don't want to accuse them for lying cause it might offend them so you tell them in a way that will not offend then and they deny that what they said was true...
on January 14, 2016

Hello my huskies there is something important I need to tell all of you. I will be going on q feast not as much as I usually was before. You might of noticed that this past week. The reason is that I am busy with school projects and stuff. I will be still going online don't worry but not as much. Thank you all for understanding
Hello my huskies there is something important I need to tell all of you. I will be going on q feast not as much as I usually was before. You might of noticed that this past week. The reason is that I am busy with school projects and stuff. I will be still going online don't worry but not as much. Thank you all for understanding

on January 14, 2016
on January 14, 2016

on January 13, 2016

Does anyone else have watt pad? If so my username is MagentaHusky!
on January 13, 2016

I REALLY wish it was a snow day tomorrow...
Well I am going to flush ice cubes down the toilet,
Place a wooden spoon under my pillow,
And wear my pijamas inside out XD
Well I am going to flush ice cubes down the toilet,
Place a wooden spoon under my pillow,
And wear my pijamas inside out XD

on January 12, 2016
on January 12, 2016

Trying to scroll and accidentally unfollows.... Eternal facepalm.
on January 12, 2016

MagentaHusky added a new chapter to Diary of an otaku

Dec. 20- Necklace
Today was such a busy day!
Ok so when i woke up I noticed that my diary was not beside my sleeping bag like it usually is.
Instead it was on the side table near Mia's laptop.
When we had breakfast if she knew anything about this.
"Uhhh, no. I did not even know that you had a diary!" Mia said. I could not really tell if she was lieing.
Mia has always been a good lier to this would be a bit tricky...
"Well I saw t near your laptop this morning...."
"Hum, I did not even notice that...."
When... Read Full Chapter
Today was such a busy day!
Ok so when i woke up I noticed that my diary was not beside my sleeping bag like it usually is.
Instead it was on the side table near Mia's laptop.
When we had breakfast if she knew anything about this.
"Uhhh, no. I did not even know that you had a diary!" Mia said. I could not really tell if she was lieing.
Mia has always been a good lier to this would be a bit tricky...
"Well I saw t near your laptop this morning...."
"Hum, I did not even notice that...."
When... Read Full Chapter
on January 12, 2016

You know I never understood those food commercials for food where the ingredients drop on the plate. I mean no one really throws there food when cooking soup or making pizza...?
on January 12, 2016

on January 12, 2016

Thanks for the follow! I lover your username btw!
on January 12, 2016

I log off because I am bored
I log back on a couple seconds later cause I am bored
I log back on a couple seconds later cause I am bored
on January 11, 2016

Ugh school starts tomorrow...why???

Lol, I was actually kinda wanting to go back because then I could download 20 more episodes of bleach @Mikasa_Ackerman6363
on January 11, 2016
on January 11, 2016

I am not hungry but I am bored. Therefor I will eat.
on January 10, 2016

Eleven plus two rearranged letters can be twelve plus one

120= 1, 2, & 0 1+2+0= 3, 120 has 3 digits, 3 sides to a triangle.
@Lightstriker195 This seems more accurate, just saying....
@Lightstriker195 This seems more accurate, just saying....
on January 10, 2016
on January 10, 2016

Is it just me or that when ever I am drawing/writing/anything else like that and I take a break I can never go back to doing it. It's like I randomly loose my interest in the thing I was just working on...
on January 10, 2016

Huskies! ^-^
on January 10, 2016

Our generation is getting lazier and lazier...
Back the people walked to places, now there are cars
Back then people went to library for books for projects, now there is internet for that
Back then people used dictionaries, now they use google translate
Back then people washed there cloths manually, now there are washing machines
I wonder what's going to be in the future
A machine that brushes your teeth for you or something....
Back the people walked to places, now there are cars
Back then people went to library for books for projects, now there is internet for that
Back then people used dictionaries, now they use google translate
Back then people washed there cloths manually, now there are washing machines
I wonder what's going to be in the future
A machine that brushes your teeth for you or something....

on January 09, 2016

Agree compleatly. This is happening slowly but there will always be people against this. I know there will be. I over exaggerated for the most part just to show people that its happening slowly and we better do something about it. @Rebel_Fangirl
on January 09, 2016
on January 09, 2016

Who needs dictionaries when you have google translate?

on January 09, 2016

on January 09, 2016
on January 09, 2016