Wassup ? *realises that your in my fAce* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
on January 21, 2015

Looks:pic above
Personality: silly , noob , cray-cray , sweet, caring
Tribe: wolf warriors
Likes: wolves(duh!) Singing , trying to hug creepers , running around at night, destroying the dicks sly makee in our tribe -_-' See More
Dislikes: chickens, tundra bioms, ppl who are to.serious
Crush:sly (damn you love!)
Other:is.a,total NOOB!
Pet: gary the pig
Looks:pic above
Personality: silly , noob , cray-cray , sweet, caring
Tribe: wolf warriors
Likes: wolves(duh!) Singing , trying to hug creepers , running around at night, destroying the dicks sly makee in our tribe -_-' See More
Dislikes: chickens, tundra bioms, ppl who are to.serious
Crush:sly (damn you love!)
Other:is.a,total NOOB!
Pet: gary the pig
on January 21, 2015

My girlfriends and I went to splash lagoon X3 Jesus Christ it was.crowed, but We had the best day ever ! : D
on January 21, 2015

Ok, so everywhere I look, I see people who are miserable, and even suicidal due to discrimination of some sort, whether it's because of their gender, their skin colour, or which sex they are attracted to. And it saddens me. In this world we are all humans, and we should all be equal. Those who discriminate about people might try and defend themselves by saying the world is not fair. And this is true. But we should all do our best to make it as fair as it could possibly be.
Now, See More I realise most of you will just ignore this. But if you agree with me, and you want to do your bit to make the world a more equal place, then repost this. It doesn't take much effort, but you will be helping hugely.
And if you are one of the discriminators, then look at yourself. What is the point of what you are doing? You probably won't pay any attention to this, but you could turn over a new leaf, and start again.
You could help make the world a better place.
Now, See More I realise most of you will just ignore this. But if you agree with me, and you want to do your bit to make the world a more equal place, then repost this. It doesn't take much effort, but you will be helping hugely.
And if you are one of the discriminators, then look at yourself. What is the point of what you are doing? You probably won't pay any attention to this, but you could turn over a new leaf, and start again.
You could help make the world a better place.
on January 21, 2015

My Question and answers
you ask questions to me or Silver or both and we'll Answer them and we hope you guys enjoy this page and remember NO hating on this page
on January 20, 2015

Luna: *walks over clammy.. sorta* HIA CRYSTAL!!!
on January 20, 2015

on January 18, 2015

I have a boyfriend right now :$
on January 18, 2015

Kristina : *having a mini dance party* all eyes on me in the center of da ring just like a circus!
on January 18, 2015

Luna: *runs over and hugs* HIA CRYSTAL!

on January 18, 2015

Luna: *licks the coco strawberry* i'll try to.be more calm around you [damn .. wow , she must think im the most fuged up wolf in all of möbis !]
on January 18, 2015

Luna: * pulls out a mint icecream , and a coco strawberry one* sorry! But I got us ice cream !
on January 18, 2015
on January 18, 2015

http://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=58L9zi5DtLo @Me123 , this is my song for u
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

No problem .
Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel , less than perfect, you are perfect
To me .
Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel , less than perfect, you are perfect
To me .
on January 18, 2015
on January 18, 2015

To all cutters/suiasdle people ~
Why do you do you cut ?!? Do you think it's fun ?!? Do you think you deserve it ?!?! And why do you try to kill yourself ? I don't understand... Why ? And I know your sick of hearing it but ... It WILL get better .. Like my mom always says ... "Everyone has a happy ending .. If its not happy it's not the end yet," so please ! Don't hurt your self anymore ! You where made See More beautifully and don't listen to anyone who says your not !
To all cutters/suiasdle people ~
Why do you do you cut ?!? Do you think it's fun ?!? Do you think you deserve it ?!?! And why do you try to kill yourself ? I don't understand... Why ? And I know your sick of hearing it but ... It WILL get better .. Like my mom always says ... "Everyone has a happy ending .. If its not happy it's not the end yet," so please ! Don't hurt your self anymore ! You where made See More beautifully and don't listen to anyone who says your not !

Suicid doesn't end your pain, it just gives it to someone else . That's what I always say .
on January 17, 2015

Amen. X3 You'd hate it, I swear. I think it's stupid. Like, why? And I'm not a suicide fan either, 'cause that's a retarded way to deal with problems.
on January 17, 2015

I know not to . I never will. No matter how shirt things get , I don't want scars on my body, no mater what ! God forbid I ever DUD want to inflect pain on myself , I would do something that didn't involve drawing blood. End of story
on January 17, 2015

Luna, don't listen to him. You aren't missing out on anything. It's not pleasure to me or any...Err...person who doesn't like pain. So don't listen to him.
on January 17, 2015

N-NEVER!!! I won't ever do that do my body! It's MY body, I do what I want with it ! And I vow to never cut !
on January 17, 2015
on January 17, 2015

Wolfie: Woof!

Me: aw wofie ! MOON! You made him scared ! *pats your head*
Moon: *dips head in shame* sorry ...
Moon: *dips head in shame* sorry ...
on January 16, 2015
on January 16, 2015

on January 15, 2015

Shaicqkegrosveosvoshsowbskbdireowvsiwowvsiwviwhrornelsbsoavskvso :3
on January 15, 2015