on March 18, 2019

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quiz to the
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Which TFIL member are you?
on March 18, 2019

Wait a second, let me catch my breath
Remind me how it feels to hear your voice
Your lips are movin', I can't hear a thing
Livin' life as if we had a choice
Remind me how it feels to hear your voice
Your lips are movin', I can't hear a thing
Livin' life as if we had a choice
on March 15, 2019

I can't even remember how it started
Anagging voice:
My normal then departed from me
Primal urges spiriting my senses away
Foggy glimpses of the boy I used to be
Anagging voice:
My normal then departed from me
Primal urges spiriting my senses away
Foggy glimpses of the boy I used to be
on March 13, 2019

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quiz to the
favorite list

How much do you know about the boyband BTS?
on March 13, 2019

Look at my quiz results! What about you?
I know my boys!
I know my boys!
on March 13, 2019

on March 13, 2019