ANIME LOVER'S ONLY! Do you like Hetalia? Well this quiz is all about it! hope you enjoy it! lugwigBeilschmidt published on August 13, 2013 Stacked 1/5 I love you! Whattt? I love you too pasta! don't go around telling random people you love them! (Starts throwing tomato's at you) Feed me and then I'll think about it. *Blushes* oh my... I love you too random stranger! what's going on... *hugglz* (Chases you with pipe) I love my awesomeness not yours! 2/5 who's your favorite person? beer and sausages that's all I have to say.... Vehhhh HIGH! (starts throwing tomatoes) duhh me because I'm so awesome! AMERICAN IDIOT! *looks at France**Slaps him in the face* beautiful people! China! Moose! (Sits in background with a lead pipe) 3/5 what do you think of USUK? *blushes* umm uhh *Hides face* 4/5 Okay Random! *chugs beer* (running away from cat) Stop touching mee! *hits France* (throwing tomato's at Germany) Do where's the burgers in this joint! (Passed out drunk) HONHONHONHon! ....(makes weird face) Where's my moose! (attacks Germany with pipe) (playing with baby bird) 5/5 do you like ya*o? I don't really know? Vheee Yessss...omg the feels! Wait what?? Dude Bro What.... Puffft yeah! heheheh (pervertly looks at England) .... too many questions! *hits france with a pipe* I only love me because I'm awesome