on March 12, 2016

I got a dig bick
You that read wrong
That awkward when you read that wrong too See More
And said "moment" after awkward
You that read wrong
That awkward when you read that wrong too See More
And said "moment" after awkward
on March 12, 2016

Notes for megalovania (in the tune of Concert C)
D d d(high) a ab g f d f g | c c d(high) a ab g f d f g | b b d(high) a ab g f d f g | bb bb d(high) a ab g f d f g
D d d(high) a ab g f d f g | c c d(high) a ab g f d f g | b b d(high) a ab g f d f g | bb bb d(high) a ab g f d f g
on March 12, 2016

5 Ways to mess with OCD:
1. (Dont close you parentheses
2. This:
////////////////////////////// See More
3.mispell words slihgtly
4. Make an incomeplete list
1. (Dont close you parentheses
2. This:
////////////////////////////// See More
3.mispell words slihgtly
4. Make an incomeplete list
on March 12, 2016

@Parabolic >:O
@Lightstriker195 #yesthatisalonghashtagbutholyheraitisthebestandmostaccuratehashtagever
@Lightstriker195 #yesthatisalonghashtagbutholyheraitisthebestandmostaccuratehashtagever
on March 12, 2016

on March 12, 2016

on March 12, 2016
on March 12, 2016

TW rant.
. See More
Ok, im not against abortion or anything, if anything im on the wall
The only thing that really ticks me off is when people say "its my body"
I understand if its and abortion, i wont judge. But when you bring up this argument it just makes me think
"Isnt it the babys body youre destroying?"
I understand you may not want to go through it, and there is an emotional pain with it. But if youre going to do it, dont say "its my body" because in all honesty, its not just yours. I apologize if this offends anyone but j just had to get it off my chest. Please dont start arguments or post negative things jn the comments.
But to end on a brighter not, have you ever thought of a baby as a parasite?
Like seriously, it sits in there and feeds off of you. And it causes odd behaviors and growths on your body.
Who knows what its planning in there
"First i will take over the womb... then the world!"
That could be why they cry when theyre born, they were so close but you just ruined their plans when you give birth.
Something to think about.
. See More
Ok, im not against abortion or anything, if anything im on the wall
The only thing that really ticks me off is when people say "its my body"
I understand if its and abortion, i wont judge. But when you bring up this argument it just makes me think
"Isnt it the babys body youre destroying?"
I understand you may not want to go through it, and there is an emotional pain with it. But if youre going to do it, dont say "its my body" because in all honesty, its not just yours. I apologize if this offends anyone but j just had to get it off my chest. Please dont start arguments or post negative things jn the comments.
But to end on a brighter not, have you ever thought of a baby as a parasite?
Like seriously, it sits in there and feeds off of you. And it causes odd behaviors and growths on your body.
Who knows what its planning in there
"First i will take over the womb... then the world!"
That could be why they cry when theyre born, they were so close but you just ruined their plans when you give birth.
Something to think about.

on March 12, 2016
on March 12, 2016

Impure has made it to 138 reads :D
on March 12, 2016

*plays Song of Time on Donald Trumpet *
on March 12, 2016

*spawns rapid moblins
on March 12, 2016

I Googled Donald Trumpet... Not Disappointed

on March 12, 2016

Rats live on no evil star
Rats live on no evil star
on March 11, 2016
Gaming screwup? XD yea that works xD
Parabolic: "Dumbass"