SILENT HOPE!! Guess what!! I made the Slenderman poem you suggested. :) It is in my new poem, "Creepypasta Poetry Collections". Thank you for boosting up my self-estime. :)

Ur welcome
on March 02, 2013

OMG!! Thank you. That is s nice of you. :) I definently WILL right a Jeff the killer one. :) Thank you.... :)
on March 02, 2013

Lol ur welcome hun and yeah I know i already read ur poem and it is the best slenderman poem ever!!!!!!!! It's the best so far =) u should write a jeff the killer one next =) and then go on from there. I have to admit you have a perfect talent for poems. You write the best poems I had ever read you should think about being a poet or writer when u grow up =) xoxoxox
on March 02, 2013
on March 02, 2013

Hey lexi I wanted to ask if you wanted to be in my story, "A New Killer is Born"?

Sorry. I was reading your AWSOME story. OH and I don't know yet. I think i should finish readin' it first. :) Ok?
on March 02, 2013

Lmao great! So what position would you want? If you don't know or have no clue I asked a question, it should be on my profile its called "would you like to be in my story" I think that's what its called I hope of not let me know of u don't see if and ill yell u on here =D
on March 02, 2013
on March 02, 2013

Hey! I just wanted to tell ya I posted chapter 2 of my Slenderman love story and I wanted to thank you for commenting on my story! Chapter 2 is dedicated to you and all of the other Qfeast members that has commented on my story! =) Thank you so much! =) Hope you like chapter 2!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! It awsome.. if you want to join my BEN DROWNED page you can. :) Please do. I'll tell LOTS of ppl too. :) It's great. Many will agree. OH and have you heard of the game SLENDER? YOU"VE just GOTTA PLAY IT!! It's free but ya gotta download it. :) Just passing around some info of mine. :p
on February 28, 2013
on February 27, 2013

HEY EVERYONE!! PLAYED THE SLENDER GAME? YOU NEED TO!!! It is sooo awsome. Who has seen it and played? If YOU have please tell me about it. I have. Everyone should tell stories of when they played the SLENDER game. TELL YOURS NOW!! :)

LOL I always die at the 2nd or 1st page. One time I had got the first page and I knew there was a page on that + shaped object (The wooden giant plus sign or x) and it was there. I knew I was gonna die but I also knew I had to check all sides without turning around. I had checked 3 sides so I knew it was on the last side so I tryed to walk sideways to get there See More and when I got there... guess who I ran RIGHT into. Slendy. Guess what I saw sparkleing behind him, the second page. Oh slender....
on March 16, 2013

Well, you know how there's a bathroom ( toilet block place) well I was playing it and i was in there and then accidentely shook the mouse and turned around and he was right behind me! I didn't know it was coming
on March 09, 2013
on February 27, 2013

Hey, I've Started Working On A What Zelda Enemy Are You Quiz, And I Was Wondering, What Enemy Would You Wanna See In The Quiz?

on February 24, 2013
on February 17, 2013

Hey Bing!! Please take this quiz and give it a 5 star rating. :) For another friend of mine. :)
Hey Bing!! Please take this quiz and give it a 5 star rating. :) For another friend of mine. :)

What Mario Enemy Are You
Take This Quiz To Find Out Which Of Mario's Enemies You Are So Have Fun
on February 17, 2013


on February 17, 2013
on February 17, 2013


SURE!! Sorry I just now commented. I just downloaded the most AWSOME GAME EVER!!! Its called, SLENDER!! ABOUT SLENDY!!! See, you're in Slendy's forest and have to collect all 8 pages in order to win. WATCH OUT THOUGH, Slendy stalks you in the game. Stare too long= death. Get to close= death. Get all pages= win. Idk what happens. HAVEN'T WON >_<
on February 27, 2013

Take the 'http://www.qfeast.com/personality/quiz/5978/What-Mario-Enemy-Are-You' quiz PA-LEAAASSSEE. :)
on February 17, 2013
on February 17, 2013

Vaati The Wind Mage Is The Main Villian OF The Legend Of Zelda Minish Cap, Which I Got For My Birth Day And Lost About A Month Later 'Cause I'm An Idiot.

on February 17, 2013

I'm Sorry For Confusing You. I Was Gonna Make A What Zelda Enemy Are You Quiz, But My What Mario Enemy Are You Quiz Is Rated 1 Star. :(
on February 17, 2013
on February 17, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What Zelda Caracter Are You
on February 17, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to How I met BEN :)
Abandoned House
She walked upstairs as I saw my chance to escape. She called Bens name once more. I walked to the door but hesitated. Something was missing. I turned around and looked at the portrait once more... at who I believed to be Bens father. He seemed to be really familliar. I put it back down and walked out the door. Outside I noticed that most of the other houses had balloons on the mailboxes. I looked around somemore noticing the flowers, houses, and the scent of.... cake? I tryed to follow the...
Read Full Chapter
on February 16, 2013

what part of georfia do you live in?i used to live there in columbus
on February 15, 2013

Please, can ppl put links to CREEPY stories here. Thankyou.... I'll start. >:)

http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Luna_Game For people who like creepypasta and my little pony
on March 09, 2013

on February 09, 2013

on February 09, 2013
on February 09, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Will Slenderman Kill You If You Were Lost In The Woods At Night?
on February 09, 2013