LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
(Another Lost Episode! :D Here's the LINK. This is kind of disturbing but read at your risk. I really like how disturbing this Lost Episode Pasta actually is. :/)
As you may know, the popular show "Ed, Edd, and Eddy" has been running for a long time. However, between Added by JabronisOctober 7th, 2003 and October 21, 2003 episode 34 was accidentally released one week before it was scheduled to. It was also known to some aroun... Read Full Chapter
As you may know, the popular show "Ed, Edd, and Eddy" has been running for a long time. However, between Added by JabronisOctober 7th, 2003 and October 21, 2003 episode 34 was accidentally released one week before it was scheduled to. It was also known to some aroun... Read Full Chapter
on May 30, 2013

I am going to be posting new chapters to "Creepypasta Stories". :D I'm going to post the following chapters:
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.

Awsome! :D It's pretty creepy (alittle). :) I am ever so happy you enjoyed it! :3
on June 01, 2013

on June 01, 2013
on May 30, 2013

I am going to be posting new chapters to "Creepypasta Stories". :D I'm going to post the following chapters:
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.

on May 30, 2013
on May 30, 2013

I am going to be posting new chapters to "Creepypasta Stories". :D I'm going to post the following chapters:
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.

OMG, Suicide girl... O_o I looked at the picture and felt sad and then read the story and was like what what whaaaatt wha-what? AND THEN I CHECKED IT WAS NOT A GIF!! O_O Oh crud.
on June 02, 2013

Hahahahahaha! I accidently made the gif freeze right when the sponge blinked and it frozed when his eyes were almost opened. :P
on June 02, 2013

Omgosh! I had like 2 staring contest with the sponge and lost. :( Then I refreshed the page and stared closely at the screen, seeing him blink AGAIN, scaring me AGAIN. For a different reason though. *whispers to you* He doesn't close his eyes completely when he blinks. O_o So scared it's not even funny. :(
on June 02, 2013

OMG OMG! I SAW HIM BLINK AGAIN!! IT'S SO SCARY!! His eyelids are like, creepy, zombyish. I dunno. O_o Creeped out that he blinks. Then again it's a gif. O_O Still creeped
on June 02, 2013

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! STEPH STEPH!! D': I decided to try it again so I stared at him for awhile.... AND HE BLINKED!!!!! O_O It scared me so bad. Nearly had a heart attack right then and there. *hyperventilating. Now laughing* Oh gosh.
on June 02, 2013
on May 30, 2013

I am going to be posting new chapters to "Creepypasta Stories". :D I'm going to post the following chapters:
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.
on May 30, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

(Love this Pasta. :) It deals with another Lost Episode. Very short but still awsome and if you find the original video just DO NOT WATCH IT. Oh wait I found it. :3 LINK to the actual VIDEO and PASTA)
http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Suicidemouse.avi (The Creepypasta)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eD4_zFt1c4 (The ACTUAL VIDEO. I think...)
So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse cartoons from the 1930s? The ones that were just put out on DVD a few years ago? Well, I hear there is ... Read Full Chapter
http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Suicidemouse.avi (The Creepypasta)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eD4_zFt1c4 (The ACTUAL VIDEO. I think...)
So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse cartoons from the 1930s? The ones that were just put out on DVD a few years ago? Well, I hear there is ... Read Full Chapter
on May 30, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

(ARARAT!! I love this Creepypasta! Just don't say his name, ok. :/ This Creepypasta only needs one warning. DO NOT SAY HIS NAME!!! That is all. Here's it's LINK!! :D)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLxr_r1VIxA (YouTube MrCreepypasta)
The Terror BeginsEver heard of "Nightmare?" Like a lot of other games in the 90's, it came with a VHS which you timed with your play. The character on the video would give you instructions on what to do while you ... Read Full Chapter
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLxr_r1VIxA (YouTube MrCreepypasta)
The Terror BeginsEver heard of "Nightmare?" Like a lot of other games in the 90's, it came with a VHS which you timed with your play. The character on the video would give you instructions on what to do while you ... Read Full Chapter
on May 30, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

Sally: Play With Me
(I enjoy this Creepypasta. It probably needs a warning because it talks of sexual references or whatnot. :/ So here's your warning And here's 2 links!! :D)
http://kiki-hyuga.deviantart.com/art/CreepyPasta-Play-with-me-287823665 (Deviant)
http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Play_with_Me (Creepypasta. wiki)
The summer was nice and warm that year. The sun, as always, brought warmth to your skin. The light breezes that swept through the neighborhood made the days not too hot or cold. It was ... Read Full Chapter
http://kiki-hyuga.deviantart.com/art/CreepyPasta-Play-with-me-287823665 (Deviant)
http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Play_with_Me (Creepypasta. wiki)
The summer was nice and warm that year. The sun, as always, brought warmth to your skin. The light breezes that swept through the neighborhood made the days not too hot or cold. It was ... Read Full Chapter
on May 30, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

Laughing Jack
(He's my imaginary friend too! :D Here's his story and LINK)
It was a nice summer day, my 5-year-old son James was playing outside in the backyard of our suburban home. James has always been a quiet boy, he plays by himself mostly, he never had many friends, but he has always had a wild imagination. I was in the kitchen feeding our dog Fido, when I heard what sounded like James talking to someone in the backyard. I’m not sure who it was h... Read Full Chapter
It was a nice summer day, my 5-year-old son James was playing outside in the backyard of our suburban home. James has always been a quiet boy, he plays by himself mostly, he never had many friends, but he has always had a wild imagination. I was in the kitchen feeding our dog Fido, when I heard what sounded like James talking to someone in the backyard. I’m not sure who it was h... Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2013

Heyo!! :D Did you know I'm now finding original and popular Creepypastas and posting them here in a story called "Creepypasta Stories"? Here's the LINK.

Creepypasta Stories
Also, some are of gore and MUCH violence. Read at your own risk. :P Some are also NSFW. :/
I have decided to look up origional stories and such and then post them on here!! I'll be looking up popular stories like BEN DROWNED, Jeff the Killer, Lost Silver, etc. Enjoy!!

on May 25, 2013
on May 25, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

Rainbow Factory Part 3
“Huh?” She turned, and noticed the amber-orange pegasus. “I thought you loved me! How could you do this to me? I thought you cared for me! After all the help... All my life, you’ve treated me like a little sister! And I treated you like my big sister! You were my big sister, to me! You were the only family I’ve ever had, and you knew it!”
Tears were pouring down her face now, obscuring her vision again. Her throat hurt from the crying and shouting, but she couldn’t stop. “Afte... Read Full Chapter
“Huh?” She turned, and noticed the amber-orange pegasus. “I thought you loved me! How could you do this to me? I thought you cared for me! After all the help... All my life, you’ve treated me like a little sister! And I treated you like my big sister! You were my big sister, to me! You were the only family I’ve ever had, and you knew it!”
Tears were pouring down her face now, obscuring her vision again. Her throat hurt from the crying and shouting, but she couldn’t stop. “Afte... Read Full Chapter
on May 25, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

Rainbow Factory Part 2
She glanced at Orion. He wasn’t looking at her. She took off, heartbroken. Instinct kicked in as the familiar rush of wind cooled her and blew her thoughts away. She stopped at the right altitude, and then launched again, sensing and seeing every cloud, formulating a game plan. In a matter of a couple dozen seconds, the sky was clear.
She did a quick loop in mid-flight, aiming at the first hoop. With a powerful flash of her wings, she propelled forward through the first ring. ... Read Full Chapter
She glanced at Orion. He wasn’t looking at her. She took off, heartbroken. Instinct kicked in as the familiar rush of wind cooled her and blew her thoughts away. She stopped at the right altitude, and then launched again, sensing and seeing every cloud, formulating a game plan. In a matter of a couple dozen seconds, the sky was clear.
She did a quick loop in mid-flight, aiming at the first hoop. With a powerful flash of her wings, she propelled forward through the first ring. ... Read Full Chapter
on May 25, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

Rainbow Factory Part 1
(OMG!! Here's the link!! :D I dedicate this chapter toooooooo Darby Sharpshoot @NOMNOMNOM!! It's very gory, sort of, so I suppose it's rated NSFW. :/)
“Now a rainbow's tale isn't quite as nice as the story we knew of sugar and spice.”
There’s long been rumors as to how exactly rainbows are made in Equestria. While a great amount of Pegasi ponies are employed in the Rainbow department of the weather factory, almost all of them do th... Read Full Chapter
“Now a rainbow's tale isn't quite as nice as the story we knew of sugar and spice.”
There’s long been rumors as to how exactly rainbows are made in Equestria. While a great amount of Pegasi ponies are employed in the Rainbow department of the weather factory, almost all of them do th... Read Full Chapter
on May 25, 2013

LexiCha added a new chapter to Creepypasta Stories

Sweet Apple massacre
(THIS IS THE FLIPPING MOST GORIEST, NSFW, MATURE CONTENT I HAVE EVER READ!! WORSE THAN CUPCAKES!! OMG, like freaking awsome!! XD Read at your own risk, take the warning, if you are unnerved and disturbed don't blame or hate me. :/ Don't... just don't. ALSO, I dedicate this chapter toooo Darby Sharpshoot @NOMNOMNOM! Here's the LINK)
Big Macintosh surveyed the many apples trees that made up Sweet A... Read Full Chapter
Big Macintosh surveyed the many apples trees that made up Sweet A... Read Full Chapter
on May 25, 2013

Wow, I won't be able to see you for two months... sucks.

Lolz!! You hsd me there. :P I can't believe I thought that was real!! Lolz, great Creepypasta begging! :D It really sets the horror mood. :D
on May 25, 2013

Oh crap! H3ll I'd be scared too. She's crying!?!? Oh gosh! O_O Lolz! Can't stop laughing! What happened? Lolz. I gotta go because my uncle invited us to his house so I'm stuck with 2 babies of ages 3 (or 4, 2, whatever) And like 1... or 2. No 1. 2. 1. 2. Screw the age! XD Wish me luck and complete UNboredom. :D
Also, I think da knives are scary and... I hope See More she's ok. O_O Just... stay calm and hope to God she doesn't call 911. :/ This isn't helping, is it?
Also, I think da knives are scary and... I hope See More she's ok. O_O Just... stay calm and hope to God she doesn't call 911. :/ This isn't helping, is it?
on May 25, 2013

I want to kill my sister... so, so badly... I wish there was no penalty for murder... I think i'm going insane, no idea... I'm scarred though, very. I just through my sketch pad and pencils across the room and a put a knife to my sisters throat. Shes upstairs crying, so am I...
on May 25, 2013
on May 24, 2013

LexiCha added a story to the favorite list

Eyeless Jack Poem/Nursery Rhyme... Enjoy!
on May 24, 2013