LexiCha added a question to the starred list

Your favorite Love Song? I need a list of some love songs to put in my story for a wedd...
on May 21, 2013

Yeah I'm here sorry

Lol its ok :)
on May 19, 2013

Hey! :D Imma sorry for having to leave so much. :/ Busy scedule.... :P
on May 19, 2013
on May 18, 2013

CONGRATZ, LEXI ON THE BROCHURE CONTEST!!!! You deserved it, big time! :)

:D Thank you!! My favorite part was how much ppl now know about Creepypastas. :D Not in on it for the prize, in fact when the teacher was saying what the prize was I barely paid attention. UNTIL she talked about GUM!! XD Lolz.
<3 the gum! :D
<3 the gum! :D
on May 18, 2013
on May 17, 2013

:D I ish <3 The Horror Reboot!! :D Story of my DREAMS!! I love how he says it and stuff. He makes you really question the creaking of your house, the shadow you saw out of the corner of your eye.... in fact HE SAID THAT IN ONE OF HIS VIDEOS!! XD
(P.s, I can't go to conversations 'cause my parents didn't look at their email and I use their email. I hate ma parents sometimes. SO OVER PROTECTIVE!!! XD)
(P.s, I can't go to conversations 'cause my parents didn't look at their email and I use their email. I hate ma parents sometimes. SO OVER PROTECTIVE!!! XD)

:D Lolz, sorry I didn't see this until now. :P I get on early and off... EARLY. XD Lolz. I can't wait to see it! You gonna post it on here? :D
on May 18, 2013

He He yeah oh, and sorry I haven't been on here today... I was working on my CreepyPasta story it's alot I have almost 2,000 words and It's still a work in progress!
on May 17, 2013
on May 16, 2013

Hey Steph! :D Can you follow my friend, LoveBlade? He needs some followers! XD
on May 16, 2013

Lolz, hey!! I was in the middle of a lil' conversation so sorry about dat. Lolz. XD :D :D :D :D

Lolz. :P I just read your-erm-" "... Whateva you called. --.-- I just read what you put about yourself. :P Lolz, freak. XD Anyways, I was laughing all da way through. Also, nice pictures. :P
on May 15, 2013

xD how do I get it my pic to fit I've already tried a 5,000x5,000 pic and it was stuck in the corner like all the other? "0.0
on May 15, 2013
on May 15, 2013

Kk lex, the pic is uploaded of lost and some girl hehe
on May 14, 2013

Lexi!! I missed ya girl =D

HEY!! :D I just got back from school. I couldn't get Ben out of my head so I drew around a thousand of pictures of him. Lol. :P
on May 13, 2013
on May 13, 2013

Hey lexi! I'm doing a new story with me, u and zoe and of course the creepypastas! =) its going to be a romance story and if u want to see the story cover, its uploaded already on my page :) the story will be called "Lullaby" I got the title idea by nicklebacks song Lullaby its a good song and it explains what will happen in the story....well...the sing will give clues hehe =D <3

OMG!! You mean ZoeXLost, JeffXSteph, and BENXLEXI!! AWSOME!! I'M EXCITED!! CANNOT WAIT!! XD (p.s just got back from a restaurant and GUESS WHAT!! 2 more SiGns... O_O)
on May 13, 2013
on May 13, 2013