ThE DeTeNtIoN LiSt

It all started, I believe, when Mrs. Wilson started becoming depressed. It would come to the point where she'd not even teach. She also never went outside and the other teachers would say that she'd come before sunrise and leave at sunset. She'd always leave the blinds down and never left the room. Any jobs outside the classroom would immediately go to the "helping teacher", Mrs. Danakus. I wondered what was wrong with my teacher's strange behavior and almost became the curious cat that was killed when Mrs. Wilson threw a kid's lunch outside for having ONIONS.
"Like, what was that all about?" I asked myself, only to have no answer.
Mr. Butchard was just as bad. Around the same time he started getting easily angered and... actually started wearing hats even though we weren't allowed. It was like he was hiding a dirty secret under there. He also wore long sleeves and long pants even on hot days. He also seemed annoyed by Mrs. Wilson's presence. I never knew why and wouldn't want to ask considering the last kid who did almost got mawled the next day by a strange animal. I never belived in jinx or stuff but wouldn't take that chance.
Then there was that day....
"Race you to class!!" Kiley said. Kiley was my abnoxious, energetic, over dramatic, fashion queen friend who had just challenged me to a race. Of course I was like, "Heck to the YAH!!" So we raced. We ran down the teacher and student infested hallways to literature class at full speed. I was just about there UNTIL....
It was the class' ultimate dramatic, bullying, abnoxious, lip gloss smacking, fashion lacking, fashion police bully, Kaylie. She had annoyed me to the breaking point with her stupid words that never caught my attention spand long enough for me to actually remember. She had pushed my friend to the ground and got her "little friends" (more like slaves) to spill nail polish all over my back, by "ACCIDENT". She had tripped me from pure hate and she oh so deserved what came next.
I smacked that lip gloss clean off her face and onto the "filthy" ground along with half her cheek and eyeliner. Reason why? She not only annoyed me to the breaking point but ALSO spelt that stupid glitter polish all over my homework AND literature folder. She even ripped my pants halfway! Only enough to go against the school's dress code of course. Lucky for me at that vey moment the principal came from right around the corner to see the little mess that was made.
I was a mess. Kids were laughing, I was covered in the glitter polish, my pants were against dress code, my friend was on the ground, Kaylie's friends were stuck in a shocking gasp, my homework and notebook was now in oblivion, and now the bully who caused it all, Kaylie, was fake crying and putting the blame on lil' Gina, ME. Ohhhh she begged for a beating all the years and when she FINALLY got it guess who ended up in detention. ME.
The principal thought I had sabataged my own homework and notebook, pushed poor Kiley to the ground, slapped Kaylie (which is the only correct thing), gone against dress code for the heck of it, and left all of everyone in the hall in shock. I was definently going to be here until, if not later, sunset. At least Kylie had gotten ONE detention for wearing a kuss on her shirt. She didn't even KNOW! Sad, right? Well, there we were, writing five pages, front and back, of what NOT to do next time. So I was writing practically five thousand sentences of:
I promise not to push, slap, sabotage, and go against dress code again.
Totally not fair situation. After that I had to clean the black board, degum the desks, clean the desks, repaint the walls all of the detention room while KYLIE was STILL writing her sentences. Thanks Kylie!! (sarcasm. Ha) It turns out we were the only ones in detention. Afterwards the teacher watching us, Mr. Butchard, said he had to go and close up the school.
"What!? But aren't we suppose to GO first!?" Kylie asked in shock. I, myself, was too much in thought to hear them. I was thinking over the names of kids who got detention since Mrs. Wilson was depressed. I also remembered ever since then many 7th graders of our school started going missing out of no where. I also picked up a weird smell all of a sudden but didn't give a care at that moment. I was so deep in thought because of boredom and began thinking over the names. The names... What were the names? Then, I remembered.
Phill Genuss, Kiser John, June Wentum, Husky Jip, Devin Elix, Felix Phanten, David Wilter, and I think Jillias Sharp. I remebered watching the news and hearing all about. I knew in my mind something... something was missing... I knew something was missing. But WHAT was missing was the question. I remembered seeing on the news the pictures of the missing kids and many more for 3 months, exactly when Mrs. Wilson changed. I didn't understand the thoughts that crossed my mind but tryed... to remember... the detention kids. At least their names. Just when I thought I had it... or something..
My worried little friend had seen me drift off into space and decided to "snap" me out of it. I noticed Mr. Butchard was also no longer here... I wondered why...
"Where's Mr. Butchard?"
"He left and closed up the school."
I just sighed and looked down at my desk. I looked all over, scanning the room and what I DIDN'T clean. The only thing I didn't go near was the teachers desk. I decided, foolishly, to go over and sit at the desk in the very comfortable looking chair. I looked at all of the papers and the mess on the desk. My eyes wandered over and over it, stopping at a droor with a lock.
A peculiar paper was sticking out of it, causing it to not lock nor close. Something was.... off about it. It was.... covered in something dark red... something. I searched my mind over the pictures on the news of the missing kids. I didn't know WHY. It just wouldn't leave my mind. I opened the droor slowly. By this time my curious friend was looking over my shoulder.
"What's that? Oooo, we're not suppose to snoop!" She announced. Oh, Kylie, I didn't know we we're SUPPOSE to. I even knew she was curious herself.
"Oh, sorry. I'll just cloooose that and we won't ever know what's in there." I teased. She whined and was already wanting me to open it. So I did.... We looked in horror. There was an actual decaying body part! An arm!! Well, at least I know what that smell was. I was horrified along with Kylie, my poor friend. I carefully picked up the blood covered paper. At that moment, as I read over it, I was filled with horror and shock. NOT a good combination. I screamed my head off in terror. This... is what it read.
Detention sheet
Phill Genuss
Kiser John
June Wentum
Husky Jip
Devin Elix
Felix Phanten
David Wilter
Jillias Sharp
I was in shock at what I read even though Kylie probably didn't reconize the names because she doesn't watch the news but she was too terrorized by the decaying arm to ask questions. Suddenly, we both heard the door open and we immediately turned, still in terror and shock. It was Mrs. Wilson, the nocturnal teacher as the rumors call her. Oh, do I ever so much wish I hid that paper of names crossed and cut. If I only knew what would've happened before... it happened. Mrs. Wilson looked over at our faces of shock.
"What are you two doing, screaming and waking up Canada!?" She asked, looking at the droor. Her eyes immediately went wide and she looked over at Kylie who ran over to Mrs. Wilson, hugging her for comfort. Kylie let out a sob and told Mrs. Wilson how we found an arm. That's when I noticed a... howl... and how pale Mrs. Wilson's face was.
Everything turned to caos as the detention room's window bursted and a beast, along with the glow of a surprising fullmoon entered. Kylie and I screamed running out the room but Kylie was held by Mrs. Wilson and bit! Right on the neck! I was... utterly shocked to say the least as I glanced back to see the beast was a wolfish monster whom wore... the same cloths as... Mr. Butchard? In complete shock I pulled Kylie from Mrs. Wilsons grasp only to be hissed at and nearly tackled by the beast.
Kylie... was unconscious and I knew that carrying her would lead to TWO graves of the detention maddness. I had no choice to let her go and run for my life. I turned back to see Mrs. Wilson and the Beast in a bloody mess in the hallway. I knew... it was Kylie and that I could no longer save her. Mrs. Wilson was sucking up every last drop of blood from my friend's mawled, unmoving body. It was still being ripped apart by the Beast or "werewolf" which I know... was Mr. Butchard. Mrs. Wilson I know... was a vampire. My teacher... monsters, ripping the life from my dearest friend before my eyes.
I ran to the closest exit which was locked but saw a window and grabbed the biggest and heaviest thing I could find, which was a fire extinguisher. I then shattered the fragile window wth the extinguisher and leaped through it. How's I survive? I ran back to my home, gathering everything I'd need to survive and hitch hiked a train to a faraway place. I don't really know where I am now. I was taken in by an orphanage and took the time on the computers we have here to share my story. I don't know exactly what to do except this anyway. I just hope people will believe this and take it... As A WaRnInG... And ONE. MORE. THING. Whatever you do... next time... think twice before slapping the bully and... Don't get on...
ThE DeTeNtIoN LiSt
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