Kisume added a new chapter to Zecora's New Potion

Testing the potion
Rainbow scratched her head. "Uh, ok? I guess... So, who we gonna clone first?!" Zecora raised her eyebrow. "No dear Dash, do not be so rash. These things must not be done in a flash. First we must test the potion, say on this flower. Then we can see what is this potion's power." Dash nodded her head eagerly. "Of course of course! Wait. What flower exactly were you talking about?" Zecora turned around in place. "Well," she said thoughtfully as she trotted up the stairs, "Say this flower." She ...
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on December 17, 2013

Can someone help me? im trying to do a backround but all the pictures i choose just end up in the corner as you can see now. Can someone help?:">

i don't know if i helped :p
on December 23, 2013

you should play with the design on the settings for the background profile pic.. choose between aligned vertical, horizontal etc...
on December 23, 2013
on December 15, 2013

Hi! I plan to look at some of your drawings, you sound like you could be areally good friend to An_Idiot, she draws really good anime people too! Oh, thanks for following me!

on December 14, 2013
on December 13, 2013


:D yeah me too!! if it appears in a magazine in a supermarket then i go into my manga mode!! (it can b embarrassing though lol)
on December 13, 2013

:D thanks for having accepted me as a member!!!! thank u so so so much!! i just love anime and manga (i think rather than love it's addiction lol)
on December 12, 2013

on December 12, 2013
on December 12, 2013

Hi everyone! Feel free to write anything you like!
on December 11, 2013

Kisume added a new chapter to Zecora's New Potion

The Ancient Potion
Rainbow Dash stumbled into the cottage. "Wh-what happened?" Zecora shook her head and sighed. "Now now my dear, look over here, and everything will be quite clear." Rainbow looked around the room and cringed. The whole hut was a mess. Pots were broken, potions were spilled, the cauldron was cracked, strange plants littered the floor... It was a miracle the whole tree was still intact! "I did all this? Oh, I-I'm so sorry i didn't mean... Here let me help you clean it up..." Dash stumbled over ...
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on December 11, 2013

I feel so loved... (sniff, sniff)
on December 11, 2013

created a

Which of the My Little Pony mane six are you?
on December 11, 2013

Hey lightning dust! thx for following. like i said, you follow me, i follow you back!
on December 11, 2013

Hey all you bronies and pegasisters checking my wall! check out my new quiz on how much you know on mlp! (below):D
on December 10, 2013

created a

How much do you know about MLP? Test your knowledge! (simple)
on December 10, 2013

o hi wolfehhhhhh i know you from rd's wall :D
on December 10, 2013