
u should take care next time u go skating ok!!
on December 26, 2013

yeah me :D
on December 26, 2013

Hello? anyone there?
on December 26, 2013

on December 26, 2013

lol ok come to ZM talkroom
on December 26, 2013
on December 26, 2013

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have 400 followers your my 400th one thank you sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!! :D

on December 25, 2013
on December 25, 2013

That awkward moment when you dont know what to do with life off of the computer. So you get back on

LOL dat awkward moment when you realize your crush id cheating off of your test! you cant just tellim to to STOP
on December 26, 2013
on December 25, 2013

that awkward moment: Mom "Food is ready!" You "Im coming" *stays on laptop* Mom "FOOD IS READY!!!" You "I SAID IM COMING!!!"

It also sucks when you finally turn off your laptop and go into the kitchen... and the food isn't ready yet.
on September 23, 2014

happens to me..only i'm not using the laptop instead i'm sleeping!! i sleep alot like 15 hours a day
on December 31, 2013
on December 25, 2013

MLP!!!!! ANIME!!!!! DRAWING!!!!!!! WRITING!!!!!!!!!! SINGING!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on December 25, 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR send this to five other people to spread the Christmas spirit &[]&[]&[] PS: a gift for you is on my wall!! hint: it's a story i wrote and published just now.. :)
on December 25, 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR send this to five other people to spread the Christmas spirit
on December 25, 2013

good morning :D
on December 25, 2013

Anyone want to chat?
on December 24, 2013

Kisume asked a question

Can you figure out this riddle? Two mothers and two daughters are at a coffee shop. eac...
on December 24, 2013

Read until the end............................................................ the world is constantly trying to make us feel down.................... they make us feel hurt & worthless................................................... we r always fighting battles : sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.................................they try to make us feel insecure but we hav to keep reminding ourselves that we are one of a kind. u r smart, beautiful/ handsome, funny & successful. See More u r awesome & an amazing friend & dont let anyone tell u otherwise:)...................start a revelotion. make a change in someone's day :) thank you.. you're great too!!!!

:D you're nice, great, awesome................................... nice, fun.....................................................................and i'm bored :p:D
on December 23, 2013
on December 23, 2013

Read until the end............................................................ the world is constantly trying to make us feel down.................... they make us feel hurt & worthless................................................... we r always fighting battles : sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.................................they try to make us feel insecure but we hav to keep reminding ourselves that we are one of a kind. u r smart, beautiful/ handsome, funny & successful. See More u r awesome & an amazing friend & dont let anyone tell u otherwise:)...................start a revelotion. make a change in someone's day :) you really are an awesome and great friend!!!
on December 23, 2013