on August 02, 2021

Kingdom_hearts_kairi created a poll
Your friend asks to meet you at a place you don't know, but when you get there, he isn'...
on July 25, 2021

When I was 11, My mouth thought "oh hey, I should make my owner suffer by playing catch-up" That's0 what it did. In the span of 1 month I lost 5 teeth. 3/5 had teeth already growing in. 1/3 had The tooth pretty much already grown in while the other 2/3 had a small little fang. 2/5 don't have any sign of new K-9's growing. I have suffered.
on January 20, 2021

I like to draw people and backrounds but my "best friend" says that they are bad no matter how hard I try. So I stopped drawing...around her anyway, My family is really supportive though.
on November 29, 2020

on November 28, 2020

also, I have something to say, "today, tomorrow, every day, do something to make someone else's day.make them happy. calm their raging sea>" thanks for listening to what I had to say! :)
on August 08, 2020

hey you! subscribe to game theory! show matpat the love he deserves
on August 02, 2020

on July 27, 2020

Kingdom_hearts_kairi asked a question

Who is this? (1) this a well know character in the fandom. I would honestly be surprise...
on July 27, 2020

Kingdom_hearts_kairi asked a question
who was the first royal scientist in undertale? I want to know if yall know this... if ...
on July 27, 2020