would you be my friend 2? this is for the real me the least 1 was for fictional me so yeah I hope you also enjoy this one Kingdom_hearts_kairi published on July 01, 2020 Stacked 1/5 ok next! do you wanna see Donald trump get recked with a shovel!? oh heck yeah, I do! sorta nope... I want him dead! 2/5 ok next! what do you think of kingdom hearts? good it was ok I never heard of it/never played it before.me: oh well you should it's really good! :) need more loss, blood, gut,s and a lot less dramame:.. you scare me a lot right now calm down I can tell you like horror games, but calm down! 3/5 ok next! what 1 of these words describes you? kind caring mean at times mean bloody :) 4/5 ok, last 1! how often do you annoy people? a lot not super often not at all 5/5 hi, it's me Kairi! now we are going to see if you would be my friend in the real world! ok question 1! how do you feel about my other quizzes? good. they were ok not bad but not great. I haven't played any of your other quizes super bad never make a quiz again!me:... why are you so mean already?! :(