Ke Grimm
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Comments (7)

It's obvious flutter lied about a popular rapper being her brother, in attempt to look special and for attention. It's just sad that people have to that extent just to feel that way :/

@xXShivaChanXx I know. Such a shame. I do wonder though, could faking being related to famous people get him in trouble?

@xXShivaChanXx I agree 100%.
on September 13, 2015

He should have never lied to begin with. If he isn't comfortable talking about his REAL family, that's understandable. But lying about his family having a famous doctor, constantly changing stories about being an only child to suddenly having all these siblings AND one of them being a popular rapper... Yeah no. There's a reason why people other then us lost their See More trust in flutter and blocked him. It isn't because of "haters" and "bullies".
on September 13, 2015

@xXShivaChanXx He shouldn't have taken it that far tbh.
on September 13, 2015

It's possible, since flutter is technically impersonating as a famous person's family.
on September 13, 2015
on September 13, 2015
on September 13, 2015