Ke Grimm
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Comments (10)

Who is this rapper he speaks of?? And why does he hafta tell you what to do if it's the rapper's profile?

@InTheCosmos His name is Madik. Cause that is his "brother".
on September 13, 2015
on September 13, 2015

on September 13, 2015

Thank you Ke~!! -^-^- This is Zhengjiu btw C:

@GreenTea Welcome!!X3 And omg it's you Yishu!!X3 *hug*

@GreenTea I know. And yeah, he's been doing that since yesterday. After he claimed we all have ED pages. That no one can find.
on September 13, 2015

@KeGrimmDaBitch And he wonders why people are upset. -_- He's now claiming you guys are starting all of this. He shouldn't have started bitching on here to innocent people then. He should've take his own advice and let it go. He should not take the internet so seriously, like he told Miki and Cherri. I'll stand behind 100% on this case since I know myself he's See More just a sack of skin filled with lies.
on September 13, 2015

@GreenTea Yeah. I haven't posted them on DA, so no one there has to worry. But seriously. He's threatening me AND I'm the one threatening him?
on September 13, 2015

Yeee~~ I couldn't help it when I saw the threats~ What does she expect to do if you don't unfollow a popular rapper? pffft~ *hugs* <33
on September 13, 2015
on September 13, 2015
on September 13, 2015