Seriously, what's so bad about the word "finger.ing" that it has to be censored? It's just a term musicians use.
on October 03, 2016

This is something I'm just a little confused about. The rule is that people have to be 13 or older to join the website, right? But a lot of things seem to be almost safe-proofed for people under 13 and a lot of other things aren't. For example, the curse word that starts with F is forbidden (except in PM), which I understand, but as far as I know we can say all other swears without having to censor them. We also can't say "fing.ering" without censoring it for some reason. There See More are plenty of stories with "mature content" (sex scenes) that are public, but I remember a question of mine asking about Sonic was deleted for being about something made for kids.
These inconsistencies really bother me, and I'd like to know the reasoning behind them.
Thank you,
These inconsistencies really bother me, and I'd like to know the reasoning behind them.
Thank you,

But "family-friendly" is generally assumed to be PG or below instead of PG-13. No "explicit mature words" I know of are restricted either. @qfeast
on October 03, 2016

Banning the curse or nasty words is a measure to restrict overusing of such words ( nobody wants the f words, mature content or ethnic slurs in every quiz, story or sentence ). Also, since Qfeast is a family friendly website (13+), such measure is a must.
on October 03, 2016
on October 03, 2016

okay so now that that's over with
here https://www.qfeast.com/page/0jnpq4/Death-Note-Role-play-RP
okay so now that that's over with
here https://www.qfeast.com/page/0jnpq4/Death-Note-Role-play-RP

Death Note Role-play/RP
An RP page for fans of Death Note. Because there wasn't one before. OCs always allowed, as well as crossovers.
on September 30, 2016

on September 30, 2016

It's an early release day today, so Olivia and I will finally be able to eat lunch together~
on September 30, 2016

So The Book Thief is the first movie to legitimately make me cry...just quietly sob in English class...
on September 30, 2016

so um
@Angel.of.Death made a parody of Bohemian Rhapsody
about macaroni and
@Angel.of.Death made a parody of Bohemian Rhapsody
about macaroni and
on September 28, 2016

Apparently people who dislike gays are called homophobes because the people in question don't understand gays, which makes them afraid. That's the idea, anyway. But not understanding something is different from fearing it. I don't understand Spanish. Not afraid of the language. I understand the dark just fine, but I'm still afraid of it. So, yeah...
on September 28, 2016

So either I'm getting unfollowed/blocked a lot or people are just getting deleted...neither of those sound good.
on September 27, 2016

on September 27, 2016

I need to start bundling up for Marching Band in the mornings. Hoodie, gloves, and y fuzzy shoes.
on September 26, 2016

Um...did something happen..? My following count is down to 1181 and followers to 847...
on September 25, 2016

In Drama now.
on September 23, 2016