I'm freezing. I freaking need help. Send help plz and blankets and socks and soup.
on August 07, 2016

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Ehhh. Close enough.
Ehhh. Close enough.
on August 07, 2016

I am so happy my brother encouraged me to not delete. Best decision I've ever made.
on August 06, 2016

Why did I think I could come back... I am worthless and useless. Why did I believe I could maybe make him stay for at least a little while longer...? I need to stop. Why do I try anymore? Oh that's right. I fücked up and he left. Duh. I thought everything was going to be okay again. But no.
on August 06, 2016

Why do I feel like I'm going to get left behind again? Why do I feel like he's leaving? Why do I feel like he doesn't like me anymore? Why so I feel like I'm not good enough? Why...?
You know what, I'm just going to make myself pass out. Bye guys xx <3
You know what, I'm just going to make myself pass out. Bye guys xx <3
on August 06, 2016

Guys, I'm clean. I've been clean for 5 months now. I think this an accomplishment. I'm still depressed and I still cry and have anxiety. But I'm working on it. My heart is finally starting to mend. When he left, my heart broke. My brother would know. And I still remember everything. Every word he said before he left. I thought he was gone forever. But, even though we aren't together anymore, I still love him just the same. Xx <3

on August 06, 2016

Hey bash is going to be popping in and out for a little while
He is driving
He wanted you to know
He is driving
He wanted you to know
on August 06, 2016
on August 06, 2016

I just went through some old conversations and I started crying hard. Help me guys. I miss him and I miss the way it used to be. Xx <3 I just wish everything was normal. It's becoming normal though. He's talking like himself.
on August 06, 2016

<3 guys. I am bored. And depressed. And mute. My vocal cords are hurting bc of screaming. But yeah. Help.
on August 05, 2016

dang...... your not on either...... ugh...
on July 23, 2016

Bye guys. I think I'm actually going to delete. I love you guys. But yeah. Bye... <3
on June 29, 2016

I'm losing followers. Thanks guys. Lol anyways.
Update: I am a small, white cat with rainbows and stars in my fur. I also like to scratch myself a ton. I like to be called a smol sassy bean. I would also love it if I wasn't so damn depressed. Lol
Update: I am a small, white cat with rainbows and stars in my fur. I also like to scratch myself a ton. I like to be called a smol sassy bean. I would also love it if I wasn't so damn depressed. Lol

@Protectress_The_Wolfhumanlover_RealmProtector Yeah? Me too. HHHHH. Oh well. I have social anxiety insanely bad. >.< so I feel you.
Nice talking to you as well. And you?
Nice talking to you as well. And you?
on June 29, 2016
on June 29, 2016

Dang. Well, I used to have 852 followers. But, I'm down to 844.
on June 11, 2016

I just want him to come back. That's all I ask. Lol how are you my precious jewels?
on June 02, 2016

Hi guys! I've decided to become more active. I miss RPing waaaaaaaaaaaay too muchhhhhhh. Hhhhh... Anyways, hmu and follow me on Quo tev too ^^ I love you guys way too much to leave the memories I've made. Parabolic, we need to RP like the old times. And we need to get Kam back to RP as well. (I forgot about the Quo tev thing.... Rawr)

@Parabolic Yay!! ^^
@Kukiku_x_Shadow Hmmm... Everyone has changed their usernames... Care to enlighten me on who you are, please? (:
@Kukiku_x_Shadow Hmmm... Everyone has changed their usernames... Care to enlighten me on who you are, please? (:
on April 17, 2016
on April 17, 2016

I'm pretty sure I lost followers? But k. My head feels like someone stuffed cotton balls in it and I'm sick. So yeah.
on April 11, 2016