Okay. I have been debating on if I should delete or not. I'm leaning towards deleting. This site has literally turned into a kid's funhouse. Sorry, but I'm sure some of the older users can agree. It's being run by 10-12 year olds. I'm 16 and I rarely get on here anyways...

What?! Don't delete!
on March 22, 2016
on March 22, 2016

Hi guys... Update on my life: I've been living off of my inhaler, medicine galore, Cough sweets and honey.
on March 19, 2016

Oh, and just saying, I might delete.
on February 16, 2016

No offense to anyone here, but I personally liked it when older users were the only ones here. The Qfeast team made a rule to only allow 13+ on here for a reason. Now a ton of the older users are gone because of drama or crap going on. It sucks. I might get a ton of hate for this, but I've been here since 2014 and Wolfie, Para, and so many users on here have been here since early 2012, etc. And I'm tired of everyone flipping out and making drama appear. I will start unfollowing/ See More blocking people if they continue to make drama come up. I come here to find drama after my main reason is to get away from drama.
on February 28, 2016

Magenta, unless you have participated in over three drama sessions, I don't count you as one
on February 16, 2016

on February 16, 2016

Sorry, everyone was. Hanging theirbusers and it's kinda hard for me to keep track XD
on February 16, 2016
on February 16, 2016

*sigh* this website has gone to crap. It's retarded.
on February 16, 2016
on February 16, 2016

I think Qfeast should create a night mode version of itself. Like the lettering would be blue and the rest of everything else would be black. Kinda like QÅ«otev's night mode.
on February 15, 2016

on February 10, 2016

on January 29, 2016

Happy New Years!!
on January 01, 2016
on January 01, 2016

I will never get the image of guys in a crop top out of my head... Ever...
on December 31, 2015
on December 31, 2015

Happy birthday ^^
on December 30, 2015

Merry Christmas. It's like 5:12 A.M. Here. Time to wake my mum, dad, and bro.

on December 25, 2015

XD I'm pretty sure that if my brother had a knife too, he would of murdered me. Because literally jumped on him and kept jumping on him.
on December 25, 2015
on December 25, 2015

Never mind. *randomly drawing* What to draw...
on December 23, 2015

Being nonbinary or gender fluid is the best.
on December 12, 2015

*hugs you super tight and licks you* Hi hi, bro bro! ^^ <3
on November 26, 2015

Like this if you ever take the most retarded pictures of yourself sometimes.

I don't take pictures of myself often, but whenever my family takes a picture around me, I photo bomb them.
on November 26, 2015
on November 26, 2015