Supposedly everything I do is an act of rebellion against my mother. Dying my hair is me wanting to not look like my siblings and wanting to be trendy. Me wanting a nose piercing is a way to defy my face and not abide by my mothers rules, wanting to get a septum is me just asking to be called a bull. Me dating women is me asking to be ignored in the family. Me being myself is a way to be judged harshly in my family. So I guess nothing I do is good enough.
In order to be up to See More family standards I have to be a straight CIS girl with long beautiful hair. Looks cute all the time, doesn't dress like a stripper but dresses confidently. Gets good grades, and always listens to criticism to be the perfect girl in the family.
Good f'ucking luck.
In order to be up to See More family standards I have to be a straight CIS girl with long beautiful hair. Looks cute all the time, doesn't dress like a stripper but dresses confidently. Gets good grades, and always listens to criticism to be the perfect girl in the family.
Good f'ucking luck.
on May 23, 2020

"You can't have a Male as you profile picture because you're not male, change it I'm not having this conversation again"
I changed my profile picture to an anime character and my mom was pissed because it wasn't a female.
I changed my profile picture to an anime character and my mom was pissed because it wasn't a female.

All the books I read I had to read in my room because if my aunt saw them she'd flip a shit. I couldn't write stories because it wasn't what my mom wanted me to do. If I did art it had to be bright, realistic and happy. My phone background couldn't be anyone it had to be scenery (right now it's a fox and the lesbian edit I did). Also, my phone contacts have to See More have pictures and normal names. I can't add anybody unless my mom says so. My mom has to know all my friends, she has literally tried to remove Meg from my facebook numerous times. However, due to changing my password to Facebook she couldn't.
on May 23, 2020

Confiscated my tablet when I joined qfeast and I snuck it back in my room and I had to be careful when I was on it.
on May 23, 2020

@trisntea.c She definitely does. What's even more hilarious is in the past my mom has changed my profile picture after I changed it to Harley Quinn. This was back in 6th grade. It wasn't until I changed my Facebook password she lost the control to change my pfp. However, she still bitches at me to change it. I've had to change my pin to my phone numerous times See More because she got in and started reading my messages, went on my social media, and went through my apps and deleted a bunch of them.
on May 23, 2020

wtf? I put my picture as guys either because I'm attracted to them, I'm a fan of something they do, or its a meme. Your mom sounds like she has a stick up her a** no offense
on May 23, 2020

on May 23, 2020
on May 23, 2020

"I can wipe them down because obviously the kids took my spray again"
I touched it on Wednesday and I put it back exactly where it was supposed to be so don't bitch at me for losing something YOU lost.
I touched it on Wednesday and I put it back exactly where it was supposed to be so don't bitch at me for losing something YOU lost.
on May 23, 2020

on May 23, 2020

on May 23, 2020

I hate stress acne, and it just keeps getting worse.
on May 23, 2020

I'm a little confused as to how they're Fetishizing the LGBTQ+ community... I'm so confused.
on May 23, 2020

on May 23, 2020

I'm debating on asking my friend if I can ship it to her address (obviously I'm paying for it). I don't want my mom opening the package and screaming at me for 5 hours.
Last time LGBTQ+ was mentioned in the house my mom bitched at me saying I was shoving it down her throat and I needed to stop. This is when Colten came out as transgender and our phones were basically taken away.
Idk what I'm going to do.
Last time LGBTQ+ was mentioned in the house my mom bitched at me saying I was shoving it down her throat and I needed to stop. This is when Colten came out as transgender and our phones were basically taken away.
Idk what I'm going to do.

I'm getting 3 pride flags (lesbian, nonbinary and ace for Colten. I'm ordering a pride bracelet and a pride beanie
on May 23, 2020
on May 23, 2020

It's almost June and I've saved up to buy myself pride stuff!!!!
on May 23, 2020

on May 23, 2020