The way things are going is kind of upsetting... too many property damage is happening. Too many people getting injured and hurt, this world has plummeted into a dark hole... I'm disappointed in society.

I know about the undercover cops as well. After the violence broke out people tried keeping the peace (the protesters did) but a lot of them got hurt.
on June 01, 2020

@ranmaru I know what's going on, and I know most of what's causing it I'm not just watching the news. I'm watching the protest videos my friends are sending me.
on June 01, 2020

here’s the funny thing: every time the cops show up, the violence starts. it’s a common denominator and all of the blame is shifted on the protesters and it’s not fair. besides, big corporations can afford to fix their buildings. property is not more valuable than human lives. plus you’re only seeing what the media is showing you; there have been countless videos See More of protesters coming together and repairing buildings and cleaning up streets. you have to actually actively search for the good in this instead of consuming everything the news tells you.
on June 01, 2020

Disclaimer: I'm just a peaceful person when it comes to protesting, I'm not telling anyone how to live their lives. However, keep the violence to a minimum and stay safe okay.
on June 01, 2020
on June 01, 2020

Watching the live action version of the avatar since I finished the original... going to say rn I still hate the live action version
on June 01, 2020

Irrelevant uploaded a photo
So... my hair is now blue purple and black... my hair does that naturally it wasn't intentional.

on June 01, 2020

They called in national guard

I also can't forget outsiders (people who don't live in the city is what they're meaning, outsiders isn't an insult).
on June 01, 2020
on June 01, 2020

Teargas and swat have arrived at the protest (now riot)
on June 01, 2020

There's a protest going on around me it's only a couple blocks away and I'm stuck at a grad party.
on June 01, 2020

Things I'm hopefully going to start setting up in college
-Getting a new phone and start my own phone plan to get off my moms.
-Start saving up for a new car because my car is actual trash (even though I love my car)
-Get a new laptop (however this can wait because I have a laptop).
Only thing I'm getting hopefully within the next few months (I'm working two jobs and they both pay good so) is a new phone.
I'm also aiming to get stuff for pride
-Getting a new phone and start my own phone plan to get off my moms.
-Start saving up for a new car because my car is actual trash (even though I love my car)
-Get a new laptop (however this can wait because I have a laptop).
Only thing I'm getting hopefully within the next few months (I'm working two jobs and they both pay good so) is a new phone.
I'm also aiming to get stuff for pride

Pride stuff first though I've been planning this for years. New phone second. New car and laptop are going to possibly take years.
on June 01, 2020
on June 01, 2020

on May 31, 2020

My mom sure wants us to do what she wants to do but as soon as we want to do something she doesn't want to do it. She'll tell us yes and then she doesn't do it.
on May 31, 2020

It's my dad's birthday today and I'm pissed, thank you for this. Wanted to have a good day but you just had to f'ucking upset me. I'm so done with this family I can't even, I'm mainly here for Colten but as soon as he's out to college I'm dumping this family and leaving. I'm sick and tired of the arguing, I'm tired of being yelled at, I'm tired of being lied to, and I'm tired of being ignored and invalidated. Dealt with this my entire life and I'm through with it.
on May 31, 2020

So, me breathing with my eyes closed for like a minute is me snoring and because I was breathing I deserve to have something thrown at me. Great thank you for that, the person right next to me was snoring yet I get punished just cause my eyes were closed. I heard everything, I was paying attention my eyes hurt so they were closed. But given you're always right fine I deserved having something thrown at my face for breathing.
on May 31, 2020

"There's a time in our life when we walk down a path we decide is right. Whether the path was wrong or correct we never really get to choose our fate, it decides us." ~ K
The night Ignatius fell was horrendous, the city burned as people were screaming and being slaughtered. Phoenix fell to her knees as she watched her people try to hide from the invasion, streams of tears falling from her face. She knew she had failed and it was only a matter of time before they came to kill See More her and her family off and finally take over the land of sun. She tried to stop the invasion using what light she had left, but it was too much for her to bare and she weakened. In her final moments she sang lyrics to a song before turning to ash;
"Under all these ashes,
Lies a story,
Of a broken girl,
In a lit up world, full of Angels.
Sing this song and remember,
With the light you are reborn.
Hear the lyrics of this ballad,
And remember this light of mine"
It was then the Phoenix fell and the darkness drained every last bit of life out of the soil, and Ignatius stood still.
-tbc, like for a part two-
The night Ignatius fell was horrendous, the city burned as people were screaming and being slaughtered. Phoenix fell to her knees as she watched her people try to hide from the invasion, streams of tears falling from her face. She knew she had failed and it was only a matter of time before they came to kill See More her and her family off and finally take over the land of sun. She tried to stop the invasion using what light she had left, but it was too much for her to bare and she weakened. In her final moments she sang lyrics to a song before turning to ash;
"Under all these ashes,
Lies a story,
Of a broken girl,
In a lit up world, full of Angels.
Sing this song and remember,
With the light you are reborn.
Hear the lyrics of this ballad,
And remember this light of mine"
It was then the Phoenix fell and the darkness drained every last bit of life out of the soil, and Ignatius stood still.
-tbc, like for a part two-
on May 31, 2020

I don't mean to be rude, but if I vent on my wall it means it's no secret how I feel. If I vent in private, that's my business with people I trust. Frankly, that's very few and it takes an awful lot to be on that list. Those on that list know more about me than I share about myself.
on May 31, 2020

Read Completely before making judgements!!
I do hate the riots and I disagree with the violence in action, however racism needs to end someway. The people tried peaceful and it was just pushed around. I don't agree with innocent lives at stake, never will I agree about innocent deaths. I'm not a person that wants violence, but think about the revolution. We didn't get freedom without a war and some casualties, POC are being killed because of their differences and we need to take See More a stance and fight. The civil war helped free the slaves, MLK helped end segregation, and now it's up to us to end this racism. We're all united equally, but not treated as such. A push is what people need and a push is what we'll give. Do I wish there was another way, a way without violence and vandalism yes... however, would you rather watch this continue or finally watch it end.
Families shouldn't have to deal with the news that one of their family members died because of the color of their skin. Families shouldn't have to teach their child how to not be shot by police and other civilians. No one should have to teach their child that, and no one should suffer the losses of a family member dying. Justice needs to happen, and it isn't going to happen with silence. Voices need to be heard!
Do I personally agree with ACAB, no because not all cops are bastards some are actually good and actually help people. This isn't about those cops, this is about the ones who viciously attack people who are different then them, who have killed simply because they knew they weren't going to get into trouble.
Do I agree violence is the answer, no I don't like I said I never will. However, if you look at every point in history was there ever a peaceful time when we just walked up and got what we wanted? I'm sorry for the violence happening, but due to some circumstances and not being heard it's happening. You can't stop a revolution, it's going to happen and we're not going to stop it.
I'm in full support of Black Lives Matter. If you have any questions, or you are confused by this message let me know. I'll clear some things up. However, I will say I'm supporting the message they bring across I'm just sad that this is the way it's going.
I do hate the riots and I disagree with the violence in action, however racism needs to end someway. The people tried peaceful and it was just pushed around. I don't agree with innocent lives at stake, never will I agree about innocent deaths. I'm not a person that wants violence, but think about the revolution. We didn't get freedom without a war and some casualties, POC are being killed because of their differences and we need to take See More a stance and fight. The civil war helped free the slaves, MLK helped end segregation, and now it's up to us to end this racism. We're all united equally, but not treated as such. A push is what people need and a push is what we'll give. Do I wish there was another way, a way without violence and vandalism yes... however, would you rather watch this continue or finally watch it end.
Families shouldn't have to deal with the news that one of their family members died because of the color of their skin. Families shouldn't have to teach their child how to not be shot by police and other civilians. No one should have to teach their child that, and no one should suffer the losses of a family member dying. Justice needs to happen, and it isn't going to happen with silence. Voices need to be heard!
Do I personally agree with ACAB, no because not all cops are bastards some are actually good and actually help people. This isn't about those cops, this is about the ones who viciously attack people who are different then them, who have killed simply because they knew they weren't going to get into trouble.
Do I agree violence is the answer, no I don't like I said I never will. However, if you look at every point in history was there ever a peaceful time when we just walked up and got what we wanted? I'm sorry for the violence happening, but due to some circumstances and not being heard it's happening. You can't stop a revolution, it's going to happen and we're not going to stop it.
I'm in full support of Black Lives Matter. If you have any questions, or you are confused by this message let me know. I'll clear some things up. However, I will say I'm supporting the message they bring across I'm just sad that this is the way it's going.
on May 31, 2020