on June 06, 2020

on June 06, 2020

... I got paired with a dancer who is also a cheerleader... hopefully this works out because I get along with 2 already.. the rest bully me like nonstop.
on June 06, 2020

Okay trigger warning: Rape
So, SOMEONE PLEASE CORRECT ME! Donald Trump raped a 13-year-old girl?
So, SOMEONE PLEASE CORRECT ME! Donald Trump raped a 13-year-old girl?

im pretty sure it is...? but i dont know. i only saw like 3 things about it and they were all the same
on June 06, 2020

@yifmaster I seen it and wanted to know if this was fake news. Honestly, I'm not surprised I seen it, it wouldn't shock me if it was real. If it's fake I want to know whose ass I need to kick.
Btw if this is real I knew Trump was f'ucking disgusting but this a whole new level.
Btw if this is real I knew Trump was f'ucking disgusting but this a whole new level.
on June 06, 2020
on June 06, 2020

Me: *standing in front of a coat blocking literally no ones view*
My aunt: Move I'm trying to watch those kids making sure they don't steal anything
Me: *gets shoved back*
Me: I wasn't even blocking your view!!! I was standing in front of the coat!
My Aunt: If you're going to have a smart mouth then just leave
I'm pissed, I got off work early to help them with their damn rummage sale and this is how I'm treated. Ugh!
My aunt: Move I'm trying to watch those kids making sure they don't steal anything
Me: *gets shoved back*
Me: I wasn't even blocking your view!!! I was standing in front of the coat!
My Aunt: If you're going to have a smart mouth then just leave
I'm pissed, I got off work early to help them with their damn rummage sale and this is how I'm treated. Ugh!

I wasn't doing anything wrong either, I made sure I wasn't in their way! I'm f'ucking done.
on June 06, 2020
on June 06, 2020

Me: *looks in the mirror* What happened to my eyebro- I slit it twice last night I remember now
on June 05, 2020

I double slit my eyebrow

At this point I am rebelling against my mother and doing things she wouldn't like me doing.
on June 05, 2020
on June 05, 2020

on June 05, 2020

Okay, I'm able to hang out with my friends yet they never invite me to things anymore. The only time they show up on my doorstep is whenever they have someone in the back of their car and they don't want them to feel like the third wheel, yet I'm always the one being left out of everything.
on June 05, 2020

Also, I do realize my rant was harsh and I should be nicer considering we were all newbies at one point. However, he's not a newbie he's worked here for a couple years now he should know the rules. He's been told them repeatedly. It's just irritating! He gets pissed being in a spot for 40 minutes I HATE WALKING FOR A F'UCKING HOUR IN THE SAME DAMN SPOT!!! YOU STOOD THERE FOR AN HOUR I WALKED ON MY FOOT THAT FEELS LIKE I'VE BEEN STABBED REPEATEDLY DON'T F'UCKING START THAT SHIT See More WITH ME!
Okay, I'm done
Okay, I'm done
on June 05, 2020

I got f'ucked over on rotation multiple times today and I'm actually f'ucking pissed about it.
I had to go to my manager twice because it was messed up, I only got three breaks (I should of had more, but no!) This dude keeps f'ucking it up by taking longer breaks, sir! Breaks are 15, not 20, not 30 FIFTEEN!!!!! There is a reason they are 15 and it's not for you to take advantage of it. You're the reason why guards are pissed at you, everybody talks about you behind your back See More and we're done with your bs. You're a second year, learn how to take a proper break. A girl who has been working for 1 day you can do it. I swear if I have to continuously walk Caribbean for 2 f'ucking hours because of you I'm bitching at you. It's not the first time I've called you out before, I've done it over the damn walkie.
I'm called the wicked bitch for a damn reason and it's because I call people out for their shit and I'm mean. I'm nice at times, but not when I'm hangry, my feet hurt and I haven't eaten anything because I've moved rotation spots so many f'ucking times because you f'ucked it up!
2 guards are not supposed to break from the same spot, that happened twice NOT EVEN WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF ROTATION BEING FIXED HOW ARE YOU SO F'UCKING STUPID THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not get me started about the one girl that always fakes her injuries just to leave work early. You knew what she was like, why'd you rehire her??? Why'd you rehire the people who have never shown up for a single shift on time, why rehire the people who are known to skip their shift, fail at their scans, you have new guards to replace the bad ones. Why'd you keep them?
I had to go to my manager twice because it was messed up, I only got three breaks (I should of had more, but no!) This dude keeps f'ucking it up by taking longer breaks, sir! Breaks are 15, not 20, not 30 FIFTEEN!!!!! There is a reason they are 15 and it's not for you to take advantage of it. You're the reason why guards are pissed at you, everybody talks about you behind your back See More and we're done with your bs. You're a second year, learn how to take a proper break. A girl who has been working for 1 day you can do it. I swear if I have to continuously walk Caribbean for 2 f'ucking hours because of you I'm bitching at you. It's not the first time I've called you out before, I've done it over the damn walkie.
I'm called the wicked bitch for a damn reason and it's because I call people out for their shit and I'm mean. I'm nice at times, but not when I'm hangry, my feet hurt and I haven't eaten anything because I've moved rotation spots so many f'ucking times because you f'ucked it up!
2 guards are not supposed to break from the same spot, that happened twice NOT EVEN WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF ROTATION BEING FIXED HOW ARE YOU SO F'UCKING STUPID THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not get me started about the one girl that always fakes her injuries just to leave work early. You knew what she was like, why'd you rehire her??? Why'd you rehire the people who have never shown up for a single shift on time, why rehire the people who are known to skip their shift, fail at their scans, you have new guards to replace the bad ones. Why'd you keep them?

I'm just upset, however I'm not going to quit because they need at least one guard they can count on
on June 05, 2020
on June 05, 2020

I'm ungrateful because I didn't make chicken patties when my mom asked me to because I'd rather rest my feet after walking on hot f'ucking concrete for 9.5 hours every single f'ucking day! On top of that my foot has been hurting since f'ucking Monday and I can't walk on it very much so asking me to stand on it more pisses me off! My mom works 7-12 every single day and she sits in a chair taking phone calls (I'm not saying my job is more important, it's not she makes more than See More me and puts food on the table). However, I'm working 2 jobs one of which has me walking (on pavement that is scorching hot, and is hard on feet from 10-9 at night, only leaving me 15 minute breaks (scattered) to sit and rest my feet. Then my other job I have to stand for who knows how long. My mom sits at a desk and then comes straight home and sits on her chair. I am literally at work walking all the damn time EXCUSE ME FOR WANTING TO REST MY F'UCKING FEET!
I get up and do the shit you ask me to do EVEN IF I'M F'UCKING LIMPING!!! My mom didn't call me ungrateful, my sister did and she doesn't have a job and she sits on her ass all day waiting for mom to give her what she wants. I have to pay for my shit.
I get up and do the shit you ask me to do EVEN IF I'M F'UCKING LIMPING!!! My mom didn't call me ungrateful, my sister did and she doesn't have a job and she sits on her ass all day waiting for mom to give her what she wants. I have to pay for my shit.
on June 05, 2020

Driving while tired is dangerous, your eyes cannot focus on the road.
I did that 33 minutes ago and just got back... don't do that kids.
I did that 33 minutes ago and just got back... don't do that kids.
on June 05, 2020

"Excuse me sir, I'm sorry ma'am, I'm sorry I don't know your gender AAAA it's confusing"
That actually made me really happy that I confused an 12-year-old
That actually made me really happy that I confused an 12-year-old
on June 05, 2020

Will be honest, trumps nudes make me hate dick even more than I already do ?
on June 05, 2020