Someone should make a which qfeaster are you quiz
on June 11, 2020

If I'm dating someone and I'm not affectionate, it's not because I don't love them, I do... I just have different ways of showing it.

I also don't celebrate one months, I celebrate 1 year anniversaries because if you lasted a year with my bs you're a champ. I'm the most annoying pieces of shit, you're lucky. One month is nothing, one month is my awkward phase.
on June 11, 2020
on June 11, 2020

"You're not a good singer"
Me: *has been told numerous time to become a singer, told to audition for those talent things on t.v., got accepted into concert choir, been told by valued members of the music community in my state I had a lovely voice I needed to express it, been told numerous times to join choir or I was going to be kidnapped and forced to join the cult. When I was in elementary school I was forced by my teacher to join this choir group, I was also forced to sing See More in this one church group*
No, I'm not saying I have a godly voice because I've heard myself sing. The person who told me I couldn't sing was a bully who constantly belittles others because they want to be more superior to others.
Don't be cocky, thank you. Also I've actually been told those things but I've never actually considered them because I've heard the voices of famous people and I'm not a talented singer.
Me: *has been told numerous time to become a singer, told to audition for those talent things on t.v., got accepted into concert choir, been told by valued members of the music community in my state I had a lovely voice I needed to express it, been told numerous times to join choir or I was going to be kidnapped and forced to join the cult. When I was in elementary school I was forced by my teacher to join this choir group, I was also forced to sing See More in this one church group*
No, I'm not saying I have a godly voice because I've heard myself sing. The person who told me I couldn't sing was a bully who constantly belittles others because they want to be more superior to others.
Don't be cocky, thank you. Also I've actually been told those things but I've never actually considered them because I've heard the voices of famous people and I'm not a talented singer.
on June 10, 2020

When Amenadiel experienced the racism of cops (and corruption) for the first time in Lucifer I was PISSED!!! I had to stop watching the episode because I was so furious.

I was furious because no one deserves that bs! I think it portrayed the situation clearly in real life.
on June 10, 2020
on June 10, 2020

"If you get face piercings you'll look ugly"
Actually, I've seen what I looked like with a septum and a nose ring. I look pretty good, and I feel confident in that. You're just a controlling asshole who wants me to feel less than I already do. I already know I'm not attractive, I feel that way every single day. However, I'm sick and tired of dealing with this bs so kindly go f'uck yourself.
Disclaimer: the thing in "..." was actually said to me, my response however is what I'm See More saying now. When it happened I was actually kind of depressed so I just walked away.
Actually, I've seen what I looked like with a septum and a nose ring. I look pretty good, and I feel confident in that. You're just a controlling asshole who wants me to feel less than I already do. I already know I'm not attractive, I feel that way every single day. However, I'm sick and tired of dealing with this bs so kindly go f'uck yourself.
Disclaimer: the thing in "..." was actually said to me, my response however is what I'm See More saying now. When it happened I was actually kind of depressed so I just walked away.
on June 10, 2020

Irrelevant uploaded a photo
ME FOR 12 F'UCKING YEARS!!!! It was last year I left them and tried making my life better.

on June 10, 2020

Facebook can stop calling my pain out thank you very much. I've seen so many f'ucking quotes on my news feed all talking about emotional pain. I get it I feel it, I don't need to cry every 30 minutes because I decided to check my facebook feed. God it f'ucking hurts sometimes.
Granted I know I can choose to stop seeing it, I just want because I need it to hit me in the face sometimes.
Granted I know I can choose to stop seeing it, I just want because I need it to hit me in the face sometimes.
on June 10, 2020

"Oh, I'm so proud of you and such the amazing person you've become"
-5 minutes later-
"I'm so disappointed in you you're pathetic!!"
My mother has serious issues and I'm getting pissed off
-5 minutes later-
"I'm so disappointed in you you're pathetic!!"
My mother has serious issues and I'm getting pissed off
on June 10, 2020

The restore my honor joke has gone a little long (I've been making too many jokes, I just find it absolutely hilarious).
on June 10, 2020

Should I do maleficent inspired makeup?? I think yes!
on June 10, 2020

Opinion: Saw this on Pinterest: TW talks about trauma and stuff
People who happily talk openly about their trauma are still valid. As a person who is half open about their past trauma it's still valid and it just means that they've come past it and are ready to share their story with the world and show others there not alone.
Trauma is different for everyone, for some they need more time to process what happened. It's understandable.
Also, disclaimer: No one was attacking See More trauma victims and their stories, I just thought I would share.
Everyone is valid, however if you're a shitty person that lies about trauma to get attention you're what pisses me off in life. Okay, rant done.
People who happily talk openly about their trauma are still valid. As a person who is half open about their past trauma it's still valid and it just means that they've come past it and are ready to share their story with the world and show others there not alone.
Trauma is different for everyone, for some they need more time to process what happened. It's understandable.
Also, disclaimer: No one was attacking See More trauma victims and their stories, I just thought I would share.
Everyone is valid, however if you're a shitty person that lies about trauma to get attention you're what pisses me off in life. Okay, rant done.
on June 09, 2020

"[Insert dead name] the way you clean the kitchen sucks!"
Me: *cleaned the kitchen completely before I left it*
Siblings: *ate food and didn't clean up after themselves*
Why!? WHY THE HELL AM I TREATED LIKE THIS!? Doesn't even have to be my doing and I'm to f'ucking blame. Mom's charger breaks, my fault, sister didn't do her chores, my fault. Something breaks, my fault! EVERYTHING IS MY F'UCKING FAULT AND See More I'M TIRED OF IT!!!
Me: *cleaned the kitchen completely before I left it*
Siblings: *ate food and didn't clean up after themselves*
Why!? WHY THE HELL AM I TREATED LIKE THIS!? Doesn't even have to be my doing and I'm to f'ucking blame. Mom's charger breaks, my fault, sister didn't do her chores, my fault. Something breaks, my fault! EVERYTHING IS MY F'UCKING FAULT AND See More I'M TIRED OF IT!!!

Running away would be a f'ucking option if Colten wasn't dealing with the same shit. I'm staying because of him.
on June 09, 2020
on June 09, 2020