Me: -accidentally sends something embarrassing to Michael- shit shit shit delete delete goddamn it!!! -deletes it- I'm safe
on June 25, 2020

Someone stole my f'ucking user!!!! Kaidens.Corner except it's spelled KadensCorner and they're following my account. Boy, it was mine first ? but he looks sweet and he's a child so I'll gladly share it. Just don't come at me with copyright because I had that name first bish.
on June 24, 2020

If I start drawing commissions will you guys please buy them? My family is going through a rough patch rn, and we got reported and we don't have the money to fix what was reported.
If you want details in what's happening just dm me and I'll tell you (certain people).
If you want details in what's happening just dm me and I'll tell you (certain people).
on June 24, 2020

Also, the video I posted about the turtle lives matter came from a girl in the BLM movement. @ericazworld I wouldn't post anything to actually make fun of the movement.
on June 24, 2020

I want to learn how to dance just so I can dance

Rn my signature move is a chicken flapping it's noodle arms (notice how chickens don't have noodle arms)
on June 24, 2020
on June 24, 2020

If you fake cancer, your death, etc and you're my friend. Congrats, you lost friend privileges, you also lost my respect, trust and everything else. As a person who has suffered a lot of loss, my aunt passing away last year from cirrhosis of the liver (pretty severe), and aunt who almost died from cancer, family members who have died from cancer. That shit is serious and it ruins peoples lives. My cousin is losing both of his parents because one has cancer and the other passed See More away from cirrhosis, that shit isn't funny it's serious. I watched my aunt suffer until she died last year, and you want to know how that felt. Painful, I cried for weeks while she was suffering and after she passed. IT F'UCKING RUINS A PERSON! Lying about that stuff isn't funny it's sick! There are things that are fine, but this sure as hell is not one of them. This pisses me off.
on June 24, 2020

I want a relationship badly, but I know I shouldn't be in one. I'm not the best person to date with the amount of issues I'm going through and stuff. But I can still hope and dream.
on June 24, 2020

Irrelevant uploaded a video
If my s/o doesn't do this for me (I'll do it for them) I don't want it.
on June 24, 2020

Okay, I still think my ex is hella cute but WHY!?
on June 24, 2020

on June 24, 2020

My youth directors fiance is calling me Kaiden now instead of my dead name. *crying*
on June 24, 2020

"Here's a recap of your June snaps, too many depressed ones so we gave up"
If I don't get that message from snapchat I'm going to be shocked. I've vented too many times on my story (very little people can see it, that's why)
If I don't get that message from snapchat I'm going to be shocked. I've vented too many times on my story (very little people can see it, that's why)
on June 23, 2020

My mom needs to stop trying to run my f'ucking life, it's not hers to control.
on June 23, 2020

"You're you and you don't need a label" -Michael, 2020

I was coming out and I said I didn't have a label for my sexuality and he said I didn't need one.
I came out to him last year when we first started talking more, and he accepted me for who I was.
I came out to him last year when we first started talking more, and he accepted me for who I was.
on June 23, 2020
on June 23, 2020

I fell asleep and I didn't put my work clothes in the dryer yet! F'UCK
on June 23, 2020