on March 21, 2020

Alys: Tell Cas to give me PB
Me: Tell Cas I'll give him sketch book if he gives you PB
Alys: okay
Cas: *walks out into Kitchen while Alys is in room with PB*
Me: Keep PB away from Alys, and I'll give you two sketchbooks
Cas: *gasps* a double cross
Me: *evil laugh* let chaos begin ?
Me: Tell Cas I'll give him sketch book if he gives you PB
Alys: okay
Cas: *walks out into Kitchen while Alys is in room with PB*
Me: Keep PB away from Alys, and I'll give you two sketchbooks
Cas: *gasps* a double cross
Me: *evil laugh* let chaos begin ?
on March 20, 2020

Vampire Knight is a better love story than Twilight.
Try and tell me I'm wrong.
Try and tell me I'm wrong.
on March 20, 2020

Me: *enjoying self quarantine*
My Mom: *going insane from the stupid jokes I'm constantly screaming*
My Dad: *laughing because he's hoping it'll stop*
My siblings: Haha, stfu!
My Mom: *going insane from the stupid jokes I'm constantly screaming*
My Dad: *laughing because he's hoping it'll stop*
My siblings: Haha, stfu!
on March 20, 2020

People I want to visit before I die at god knows what age:
Logan! Because he's an awesome friend of mine
Meg! Because I love her to death, and I literally always will. She's my best friend.
Dathan! Because I literally call him my brother and he's an awesome person.
Those are it, because everyone else hates me ?
Logan! Because he's an awesome friend of mine
Meg! Because I love her to death, and I literally always will. She's my best friend.
Dathan! Because I literally call him my brother and he's an awesome person.
Those are it, because everyone else hates me ?
on March 20, 2020

"You're quitting your job if you can't get your calc grade up"
I've been trying hard for f'ucking months, I try to understand shit and I try to get my grade up. I pay attention in class, it's not my fault it's hard to understand. "Math has always been your strong suit" I'M IN COLLEGE LEVEL MATH! "You do realize they can rethink your letter of acceptance" well then fine. Let them reject me, I've already been rejected multiple times, what is the f'ucking difference.
I try so hard See More to do my shit, and the only thing that gets noticed is my failures. Wow, thanks! Tell the family how disappointed you are in your child. Next thing you'll be yelling at me for is the fact that I'm asking you to buy my shit because you forced me to quit my job.
In that case, might as well f'ucking move out.
She tells me how she knows I can do better, but then goes off on how disappointed she is with who I am. I'm trying to do better, but nothing satisfies her. Literally nothing! I'm trying to lose weight, because she hates how much I eat, and hates the fact that I was bigger than her when she was in high school "I was a size 8 all the way up until I had your youngest sister". My grades were A's and B's, well guess what your grades are worse than what you're wanting me to get. "Be a straight A student like your sister" "How come your sister can get straight A's and you can't" "Maybe your sister should tutor you, and you could actually learn something".
I've been trying hard for f'ucking months, I try to understand shit and I try to get my grade up. I pay attention in class, it's not my fault it's hard to understand. "Math has always been your strong suit" I'M IN COLLEGE LEVEL MATH! "You do realize they can rethink your letter of acceptance" well then fine. Let them reject me, I've already been rejected multiple times, what is the f'ucking difference.
I try so hard See More to do my shit, and the only thing that gets noticed is my failures. Wow, thanks! Tell the family how disappointed you are in your child. Next thing you'll be yelling at me for is the fact that I'm asking you to buy my shit because you forced me to quit my job.
In that case, might as well f'ucking move out.
She tells me how she knows I can do better, but then goes off on how disappointed she is with who I am. I'm trying to do better, but nothing satisfies her. Literally nothing! I'm trying to lose weight, because she hates how much I eat, and hates the fact that I was bigger than her when she was in high school "I was a size 8 all the way up until I had your youngest sister". My grades were A's and B's, well guess what your grades are worse than what you're wanting me to get. "Be a straight A student like your sister" "How come your sister can get straight A's and you can't" "Maybe your sister should tutor you, and you could actually learn something".
on March 18, 2020

My Brain: What should we do at 1:00 in the morning
Me: sleep?
My Brain: Sleep, what's that?
Me: F'uck
Me: sleep?
My Brain: Sleep, what's that?
Me: F'uck
on March 18, 2020