stolen (only got 1 like but I don't care
3+ likes for:
1. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes
2. What are you excited for? Sleep
3. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? I think it's disgusting when anyone gets completely wasted around me... I'm not comfortable with that. If I'm not with them then I don't care.
4. Is confidence cute? Yes, because people need confidence. Too much confidence however pisses me off.
5. What is the last beverage you had? Soda See More
6. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Very few and I mean very few only like 6 people.
7. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yes
8. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably a gaming console and video games.
9. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Probably
10. The last time you felt broken? Every single day
11. Have you had sex today? Nope, not planning on it either.
12. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Yes
13. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? My eye color changes so most of the time no.
14. What do you want right this second? A friend
15. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I wouldn't be surprised, I mean it happened almost (except 4) every relationship I've been in so what's the difference?
16. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Not much different, I only made it more red. I mean a brown Auburn, I added more red.
17. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? If I like your personality yes
18. Does everyone deserve a second chance? If they broke you no, I've learned that after shattering my trust in people.
19. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Read question 5
3+ likes for:
1. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes
2. What are you excited for? Sleep
3. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? I think it's disgusting when anyone gets completely wasted around me... I'm not comfortable with that. If I'm not with them then I don't care.
4. Is confidence cute? Yes, because people need confidence. Too much confidence however pisses me off.
5. What is the last beverage you had? Soda See More
6. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Very few and I mean very few only like 6 people.
7. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yes
8. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably a gaming console and video games.
9. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Probably
10. The last time you felt broken? Every single day
11. Have you had sex today? Nope, not planning on it either.
12. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Yes
13. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? My eye color changes so most of the time no.
14. What do you want right this second? A friend
15. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I wouldn't be surprised, I mean it happened almost (except 4) every relationship I've been in so what's the difference?
16. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Not much different, I only made it more red. I mean a brown Auburn, I added more red.
17. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? If I like your personality yes
18. Does everyone deserve a second chance? If they broke you no, I've learned that after shattering my trust in people.
19. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Read question 5
on March 27, 2020

Time to grow my hair out, this will take roughly 1 1/2 maybe 2 years to get it down my back. My hair grows fast.
on March 27, 2020

Me: *puts phone in one handed mode* (small screen so I can use it one handed)
Me now: Damn it I did it again
Me now: Damn it I did it again
on March 27, 2020

on March 27, 2020

I have considered shaving just the sides of my head and keeping the middle long to form some kind of mohawk. However, because I know for a fact my hair grows fast as all f'uck I have decided that it would be a stupid ass decision.
Although, it looks fine as f'uck on others. I also, need to decide where the hell I can get a fake septum piercing to see how I look with a septum, I think I would look cute. However, I am biased and I have bad taste in actual fashion so I would probably See More look f'ucking stupid. I want a lot of shit and I'm just expressing how bored I am right now.
Although, it looks fine as f'uck on others. I also, need to decide where the hell I can get a fake septum piercing to see how I look with a septum, I think I would look cute. However, I am biased and I have bad taste in actual fashion so I would probably See More look f'ucking stupid. I want a lot of shit and I'm just expressing how bored I am right now.

@wxtch.bxtch True, but I'd have to wait after it heals. I kind of want to see how it looks before I make the decision.
on March 27, 2020
on March 27, 2020

I'm apart of this LGBTQ+ and Ally support group... they're dissing Pansexuality and Genderfluidity because "it isn't real". The ones unsupportive of the gender identity and sexuality are the admins of the group, and should be removed from their position. However, the owner of the f'ucking chat was in on them completely shitting on them. If that's supposed to be a safe group for members of the LGBTQ+ community, can you tell me how the hell is it okay for them to completely invalidate See More a group of people because they don't understand how something works?

@yifmaster I agree, but I don't know how to explain it without someone chewing my head off.
on March 27, 2020
on March 27, 2020

I used to be cute... as a baby what the hell happened?
Answer: Poor life choices
Answer: Poor life choices
on March 27, 2020

"You should feel blessed that someone is referencing your art!"
We are, however they don't need to claim it as their and take credit from the original artist. Not all artists want their artwork stolen, actually re phrase that NO ARTIST WANT THEIR ARTWORK STOLEN! If you're going to draw someone else's artwork, credit them! Do not take full credit, you did not create the original piece, therefore it is not yours do not claim it as yours. Art theft is illegal and can get you into See More a lot of trouble.
Moral of the story, always credit an artist. They did not spend hours on that hard work for you to steal it.
I have never stolen art work, but I have forgotten to give credit and I do regret those decisions. I'll try my best to credit artists, and make sure they're known.
Reason I'm making this rant is a tik tok user took another person's videos and rep0sted them as their own. Stealing their artwork and claiming it as theirs. That isn't okay.
We are, however they don't need to claim it as their and take credit from the original artist. Not all artists want their artwork stolen, actually re phrase that NO ARTIST WANT THEIR ARTWORK STOLEN! If you're going to draw someone else's artwork, credit them! Do not take full credit, you did not create the original piece, therefore it is not yours do not claim it as yours. Art theft is illegal and can get you into See More a lot of trouble.
Moral of the story, always credit an artist. They did not spend hours on that hard work for you to steal it.
I have never stolen art work, but I have forgotten to give credit and I do regret those decisions. I'll try my best to credit artists, and make sure they're known.
Reason I'm making this rant is a tik tok user took another person's videos and rep0sted them as their own. Stealing their artwork and claiming it as theirs. That isn't okay.
on March 27, 2020

Supposed to be working on homework, instead I'm laying on my bed playing peekaboo with Myka.
on March 26, 2020

Before I get asked if I would cosplay as Moana or Jasmine, the answer is no. There are multiple reasons.
on March 26, 2020

(Continuing my last post)
Before you call me racist for supporting them, I am far from racist. I believe in cosplayers choosing who they get to cosplay. Are you going to complain at a child wearing the costume? No! Granted most cosplayers are old enough to know what's right and what's wrong. It's still pathetic that they're being targeted for no reason. IF THERE IS A PROBLEM LET PEOPLE WITH THE ACTUAL ISSUE GO AFTER IT! If polynesian individuals (and I'm talking about those with See More strong ties) are not attacking the cosplayer and supporting it, then get your ass off her comments and staying rude shit. If people of Princess Jasmine's origin are not offended by that cosplayer then stay off that shit. IF THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING WRONG SAY SOMETHING! Getting a natural tan from the sun is not against the rules, so shut the f'uck up.
This rant was basically saying: If it doesn't concern you don't make a f'ucking scene.
If you need me to explain myself that's fine, I will. Don't assume I'm something I'm not.
Before you call me racist for supporting them, I am far from racist. I believe in cosplayers choosing who they get to cosplay. Are you going to complain at a child wearing the costume? No! Granted most cosplayers are old enough to know what's right and what's wrong. It's still pathetic that they're being targeted for no reason. IF THERE IS A PROBLEM LET PEOPLE WITH THE ACTUAL ISSUE GO AFTER IT! If polynesian individuals (and I'm talking about those with See More strong ties) are not attacking the cosplayer and supporting it, then get your ass off her comments and staying rude shit. If people of Princess Jasmine's origin are not offended by that cosplayer then stay off that shit. IF THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING WRONG SAY SOMETHING! Getting a natural tan from the sun is not against the rules, so shut the f'uck up.
This rant was basically saying: If it doesn't concern you don't make a f'ucking scene.
If you need me to explain myself that's fine, I will. Don't assume I'm something I'm not.

I will add I am up for debate, if you have any opinion on this matter please share. If you have facts to add, add them. If I'm in the wrong, correct me.
on March 26, 2020

Also, Cory's accuser apologized for her attacks on him. He apologized for his videos, and resolved the whole thing. He still cosplays her, just doesn't use anything to darken his skin.
on March 26, 2020
on March 26, 2020

I'm ranting because I'm done with this shit!
If you have any questions to this rant, or need me to explain something ask. Don't assume something I'm not.
Okay, so one of my favorite cosplayers is being targeted by a bunch of people because of her Jasmine and Moana cosplay. All because she got tan. The people yelling at her are not the ones who should be offended. The people who should be commenting are actual people of color, or people who share the same cultural values of See More the characters. No, white people are yelling at her for "brown facing"
Definition of brown-facing: Racial brownface, a variant of blackface involving ethnic impersonation of people with brown skin including Latin people, South Asians, Middle-Easterners and North Africans. A model of Fender Amplifiers.
Okay, so for those who don't understand that. They literally put make up on to make them look darker.
Corynation was also a victim of this bs. Okay, listen. The cosplayer I'm talking about got tan on a vacation, and your alleged excuse for yelling at her for black facing is because she wasn't tan in the video right before Jasmine. Let me introduce you to drafts, recorded at different times and uploaded later. That's why they exist. And she didn't fake tan, and she didn't tan overnight and get rid of it. She's had it for awhile, and as a pale ass bitch myself I can assure you, I tan easily and I get dark. It also fades easily BECAUSE I'M ALWAYS INDOORS AND I'M A PALE ASS BITCH!
Y'all are going after her for "brown facing" when she didn't even do anything wrong. Did she cosplay as characters of color while she was tan YES, did she cosplay other characters that their skin color doesn't matter because they're not as important as Moana and Jasmine are I guess Yes! Stop targeting cosplayers because you think something is wrong. Learn what is happening, and stop being a f'ucking bitch about it. Jesus Christ. I will be honest, Cory did get yelled at for a good reason, but it shouldn't have happened the way it did. He actually used darker foundation (was it close to her actually tone F'UCK NO! It was more like stage make up, and he used a filter to make his skin darker). Granted he shouldn't have done that, and stuck with a more natural look. I mean he still would have been yelled at, but it wouldn't have been for "brown-facing".
If you have any questions to this rant, or need me to explain something ask. Don't assume something I'm not.
Okay, so one of my favorite cosplayers is being targeted by a bunch of people because of her Jasmine and Moana cosplay. All because she got tan. The people yelling at her are not the ones who should be offended. The people who should be commenting are actual people of color, or people who share the same cultural values of See More the characters. No, white people are yelling at her for "brown facing"
Definition of brown-facing: Racial brownface, a variant of blackface involving ethnic impersonation of people with brown skin including Latin people, South Asians, Middle-Easterners and North Africans. A model of Fender Amplifiers.
Okay, so for those who don't understand that. They literally put make up on to make them look darker.
Corynation was also a victim of this bs. Okay, listen. The cosplayer I'm talking about got tan on a vacation, and your alleged excuse for yelling at her for black facing is because she wasn't tan in the video right before Jasmine. Let me introduce you to drafts, recorded at different times and uploaded later. That's why they exist. And she didn't fake tan, and she didn't tan overnight and get rid of it. She's had it for awhile, and as a pale ass bitch myself I can assure you, I tan easily and I get dark. It also fades easily BECAUSE I'M ALWAYS INDOORS AND I'M A PALE ASS BITCH!
Y'all are going after her for "brown facing" when she didn't even do anything wrong. Did she cosplay as characters of color while she was tan YES, did she cosplay other characters that their skin color doesn't matter because they're not as important as Moana and Jasmine are I guess Yes! Stop targeting cosplayers because you think something is wrong. Learn what is happening, and stop being a f'ucking bitch about it. Jesus Christ. I will be honest, Cory did get yelled at for a good reason, but it shouldn't have happened the way it did. He actually used darker foundation (was it close to her actually tone F'UCK NO! It was more like stage make up, and he used a filter to make his skin darker). Granted he shouldn't have done that, and stuck with a more natural look. I mean he still would have been yelled at, but it wouldn't have been for "brown-facing".
on March 26, 2020

3+ likes for:
1. Is trust a big issue for you?
2. What are you excited for?
3. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
4. Is confidence cute?
5. What is the last beverage you had? See More
6. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
7. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
8. What are you going to spend money on next?
9. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
10. The last time you felt broken?
11. Have you had sex today?
12. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
13. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
14. What do you want right this second?
15. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
16. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
17. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
18. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
19. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
20. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
21. Do you believe in love at first sight?
22. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
23. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
24. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
25. Do you sing in the shower?
26. Ever used a bow and arrow?
27. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
28. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
29. Is Christmas stressful?
30. Ever eat a pierogi?
31. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
32. Do you believe in ghosts?
33. Take a vitamin daily?
34. Wear slippers?
35. What do you wear to bed?
36. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
37. Nike or Adidas?
38. Cheetos Or Fritos?
39. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
40. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
41. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
42. Ever won a spelling bee?
43. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
44. What is your favorite book?
45. Regularly burn incense?
46. Ever been in love?
47. Hot tea or cold tea?
48. Tea or coffee?
49. Favorite type of cookie?
50. Are you patient?
51. DJ or band, at a wedding?
52. Opinions on sex before marriage?
53. Do you want to get married?
3+ likes for:
1. Is trust a big issue for you?
2. What are you excited for?
3. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
4. Is confidence cute?
5. What is the last beverage you had? See More
6. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
7. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
8. What are you going to spend money on next?
9. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
10. The last time you felt broken?
11. Have you had sex today?
12. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
13. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
14. What do you want right this second?
15. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
16. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
17. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
18. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
19. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
20. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
21. Do you believe in love at first sight?
22. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
23. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
24. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
25. Do you sing in the shower?
26. Ever used a bow and arrow?
27. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
28. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
29. Is Christmas stressful?
30. Ever eat a pierogi?
31. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
32. Do you believe in ghosts?
33. Take a vitamin daily?
34. Wear slippers?
35. What do you wear to bed?
36. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
37. Nike or Adidas?
38. Cheetos Or Fritos?
39. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
40. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
41. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
42. Ever won a spelling bee?
43. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
44. What is your favorite book?
45. Regularly burn incense?
46. Ever been in love?
47. Hot tea or cold tea?
48. Tea or coffee?
49. Favorite type of cookie?
50. Are you patient?
51. DJ or band, at a wedding?
52. Opinions on sex before marriage?
53. Do you want to get married?
on March 26, 2020

Is Jackie the hedgehog still on qfeast?

I remember when I went through a sonic phase (kind of), if you really want to go into dark history my ungodly obsession with Thor yeesh.
on March 24, 2020
on March 24, 2020

Continuing my last post
Later after I home I started crying and went into an panic attack, which resulted in my mom having to come and remove me from the house, trying to calm me down. Then when I went back to work a couple days later I reported the incident with the store owner and my manager said that the reason why he sent me home is because I fell asleep at my register (which didn't happen). Needless to say he was fired, and two months later he begged for his job back, and See More I quit because ever since then he glared at me and gave me literal hell while I was working. But I no longer work there, which is better for me because there were nights where I would come home crying because of some of the stuff that happened there.
Best moment: When my cousin came over to my house with a cat because ours passed away and we were sad. (My mom and I took it the hardest, because we were the only ones close to her). My cousin named her Myka and she has become a very huge part of my family.
Ambition(s): I have a lot
Best quality: My hair is soft
Worst quality: literally everything else about me
Play any instruments?: piano, guitar, flute, piccolo
Favourite type of food: Meatloaf
Favourite drink?: Honestly, Mango Dragonfruit Refresher from Star Bucks because lemonade!
Nationality: American
Sexuality: It's a question, but I'm leaning towards more lesbian. I like girls more than guys, even though there is 1 guy I "like"? It's still a discovery kind of, but I'm just going to label as a lesbian until I figure it out. The only thing I know is that I am not straight.
One thing you really want to have: an xbox or a ps4 I AM BORED OUT OF MY MIND PEOPLE!
Later after I home I started crying and went into an panic attack, which resulted in my mom having to come and remove me from the house, trying to calm me down. Then when I went back to work a couple days later I reported the incident with the store owner and my manager said that the reason why he sent me home is because I fell asleep at my register (which didn't happen). Needless to say he was fired, and two months later he begged for his job back, and See More I quit because ever since then he glared at me and gave me literal hell while I was working. But I no longer work there, which is better for me because there were nights where I would come home crying because of some of the stuff that happened there.
Best moment: When my cousin came over to my house with a cat because ours passed away and we were sad. (My mom and I took it the hardest, because we were the only ones close to her). My cousin named her Myka and she has become a very huge part of my family.
Ambition(s): I have a lot
Best quality: My hair is soft
Worst quality: literally everything else about me
Play any instruments?: piano, guitar, flute, piccolo
Favourite type of food: Meatloaf
Favourite drink?: Honestly, Mango Dragonfruit Refresher from Star Bucks because lemonade!
Nationality: American
Sexuality: It's a question, but I'm leaning towards more lesbian. I like girls more than guys, even though there is 1 guy I "like"? It's still a discovery kind of, but I'm just going to label as a lesbian until I figure it out. The only thing I know is that I am not straight.
One thing you really want to have: an xbox or a ps4 I AM BORED OUT OF MY MIND PEOPLE!
on March 24, 2020

3+ likes (I didn't get three likes, but I never follow the trend rules so)
Name: Kaiden Rae (or) Kaiden Mae- reason why a letter difference is Rae is my middle name, and Mae is so my parents don't yell at me. I mostly use Rae on other platform sites so. Yeah!
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite sport: I don't like sports, so...
Colour of shirt: Gret
Colour of panties: I am not answering that
Favourite song: Dear Me by Nichole Nordeman, and I guess Silent Scream by Anna Blue See More
Favourite television programme: Too many
Favourite celebrity: Scarlet Johansson, she is a beautiful person inside and out.
Best friends: Liv, Logan, Dathan, Meg and Ashley. They're literally the best. I would say Michael bit we talk rarely.
Crush or S/O: If you count fictional, Harley Quinn, Elsa and of course Natasha Romanoff.
Favourite teacher(s): Gilbert, Wranek, and Sutton
Most comfortable shoes you own: My combat boots!
Favourite item of clothing: my hoodie
Heat or cold: Mix
Favourite type of insect: Um... I don't have one.
Favourite type of bird: Cardinal, it has a very strong meaning in my family.
Happiest moment: Don't know
Saddest moment: Losing someone I loved
Worst moment of your life?: Losing someone I loved, and one of the managers after I came back (still mourning mind you), literally making me feel worse than I already did. Sent me home telling me I wasn't doing anything I was asked, but my brain was basically scattered and I was at work DOING WHAT I WAS ASKED!
Name: Kaiden Rae (or) Kaiden Mae- reason why a letter difference is Rae is my middle name, and Mae is so my parents don't yell at me. I mostly use Rae on other platform sites so. Yeah!
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite sport: I don't like sports, so...
Colour of shirt: Gret
Colour of panties: I am not answering that
Favourite song: Dear Me by Nichole Nordeman, and I guess Silent Scream by Anna Blue See More
Favourite television programme: Too many
Favourite celebrity: Scarlet Johansson, she is a beautiful person inside and out.
Best friends: Liv, Logan, Dathan, Meg and Ashley. They're literally the best. I would say Michael bit we talk rarely.
Crush or S/O: If you count fictional, Harley Quinn, Elsa and of course Natasha Romanoff.
Favourite teacher(s): Gilbert, Wranek, and Sutton
Most comfortable shoes you own: My combat boots!
Favourite item of clothing: my hoodie
Heat or cold: Mix
Favourite type of insect: Um... I don't have one.
Favourite type of bird: Cardinal, it has a very strong meaning in my family.
Happiest moment: Don't know
Saddest moment: Losing someone I loved
Worst moment of your life?: Losing someone I loved, and one of the managers after I came back (still mourning mind you), literally making me feel worse than I already did. Sent me home telling me I wasn't doing anything I was asked, but my brain was basically scattered and I was at work DOING WHAT I WAS ASKED!
on March 24, 2020