Silent scream by Anna Blue is a very emotional song. I sing it all the time, and the first few times I've actually listened to it I started crying.
on April 12, 2020

If I come across a person who can read minds (I mean you never know), I am so sorry for what you're about to listen to. You're going to get a headache and wonder "Where the hell is that music coming from". I mainly just argue with myself over stupid things.
on April 12, 2020

To the people who think high school level biology is where the level of difficulty ends, I'm sad to say that you are mistaken. Biology gets far more complicated.
on April 12, 2020

I am the father of cats, kneel before me.

@magic_fetus I know, she's basically my cat because I'm the only one she does it too. She also harasses me for cuddles so there's that. I also have to hold her 24/7 because whenever I say up she meows and bats at my leg.
on April 12, 2020
on April 12, 2020

I got stuff to slit my eyebrow, now I have to determine which one.
left seems more gay. trust me... i did my right eyebrow and i look like a white boy who says the n word
on April 12, 2020
on April 12, 2020

If you're deliberately going out of your way to make a new account just so can talk to someone that has you blocked, I'm not going to listen. I've blocked 5 accounts that belong to this one girl, trying to apologize for what she put me through. A half ass apology isn't going to repair years worth of damage you put us through. Will we eventually forgive you, probably, but it's not going to happen until you leave us alone.
I would like to specify that this person is someone I See More know irl, so I'm not talking about anyone on here.
I would like to specify that this person is someone I See More know irl, so I'm not talking about anyone on here.
on April 12, 2020

I'm doing an appreciation post, because why not. It was inspired by Lindsey so there's that.
Lindsey: Okay, so when I first met you you were Layla, and we created cool nicknames for each other. Gayla and Gae, and we used to be pretty close. You're still an amazing person, you're talented, and I believe you're going to make it very far in life, and I'm glad we met. Although we haven't talked often, I sometimes go on your insta and see how you're doing and you've changed, and See More you're a beautiful human being. Thank you for being my sarcastic friend, you'll rule the world someday. Also, if you ever need to vent my dms are always open, I loved talking to you. You were always a true friend of mine, even when I was stupid.
Magic_Fetus: I never really got your name so I apologize. I haven't really known you long, but you like Hamilton and from the talks we've had you're a very chill person. Thanks for being my friend.
V (@sodagalatics) : you're an amazing human being and a very talented artist, I'm sorry we never really talked much but I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You're an amazing person to talk to.
DavieFoster: Idk your name really, but you seem pretty chill. You like my posts every now and then, and we've talked occasionally and you seem like a pretty great person. I hope we can be friends.
Parabolic (or Logan): you probably won't see this, but you've always been an amazing older brother to me. Though we don't talk often, I'm glad you're my friend and I will drive down to visit you just to throw a pichu at your face. You can trust me on that you stink.
Meg: You've always known how much you meant to me, and you'll forever hold a place in my heart. I love you, you're an amazing twinsie, and the fact that we're still incredibly close is absolutely amazing. Our twinsieversary is coming up, so it's almost CELEBRATION TIME!
I'll have you know there is a story being the twinsie friendship, and it's marvelous.
Lindsey: Okay, so when I first met you you were Layla, and we created cool nicknames for each other. Gayla and Gae, and we used to be pretty close. You're still an amazing person, you're talented, and I believe you're going to make it very far in life, and I'm glad we met. Although we haven't talked often, I sometimes go on your insta and see how you're doing and you've changed, and See More you're a beautiful human being. Thank you for being my sarcastic friend, you'll rule the world someday. Also, if you ever need to vent my dms are always open, I loved talking to you. You were always a true friend of mine, even when I was stupid.
Magic_Fetus: I never really got your name so I apologize. I haven't really known you long, but you like Hamilton and from the talks we've had you're a very chill person. Thanks for being my friend.
V (@sodagalatics) : you're an amazing human being and a very talented artist, I'm sorry we never really talked much but I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You're an amazing person to talk to.
DavieFoster: Idk your name really, but you seem pretty chill. You like my posts every now and then, and we've talked occasionally and you seem like a pretty great person. I hope we can be friends.
Parabolic (or Logan): you probably won't see this, but you've always been an amazing older brother to me. Though we don't talk often, I'm glad you're my friend and I will drive down to visit you just to throw a pichu at your face. You can trust me on that you stink.
Meg: You've always known how much you meant to me, and you'll forever hold a place in my heart. I love you, you're an amazing twinsie, and the fact that we're still incredibly close is absolutely amazing. Our twinsieversary is coming up, so it's almost CELEBRATION TIME!
I'll have you know there is a story being the twinsie friendship, and it's marvelous.
on April 12, 2020

Okay, so this one girl told me she liked me, asked me out and I actually went out with her after weeks of me telling her no because of distance. However, after 2 weeks of us dating she ghosted me and started dating her ex. I broke up with her because well... at this point I didn't know she just wasn't talking to me and well... it wasn't going to work out. After that she posted about being a year long relationship with this person (after she told me she broke up with), and did See More I go off on her? No, was I hurt? Yes, because I liked her a lot man! But now she is liking my posts on insta. I don't think that's right man.
on April 11, 2020

The worst thing about returning to wild this summer is the fact that the guy I'm don't want to see is going to return ad well (hopefully not). However, he should have lost his job after what he did to me (I'm not going to get into much detail, because well, there's no need). But I'm not going to worry too much, he didn't do anything last year to me, which was great. However, the managers knew what he did and made sure to separate us. It didn't stop him from harassing other people See More though so ? that was kind of pointless.
on April 11, 2020

I don't care if you're a minor and you're following me. Just know that my page is going to be a little much considering I'm 18-years-old, and I have no filter. I don't cater to people. I do follow back, so there's that I guess. There are things I'm willing to talk about with certain people, and the people on that list are small. If I post something and you want to know, don't expect me to tell you if it's personal. Thank you for understanding.
If you think I should add this See More to my bio then comment.
If you think I should add this See More to my bio then comment.
on April 11, 2020

I used to go by AngelicPhoenix and Protectress_The_Wolfhuman_Realmprotector ... goddamn I was so cringey. How did people put up with my jesus christ.
on April 11, 2020

My cat loves my love and affection and it's honestly the best thing ever ngl.
on April 11, 2020

I have a feeling I'm going to be blocking three people by the end of this day.
on April 11, 2020

Am I going to try and stop a fight, yes? Is it going to end, probably the f'uck not, but I'll try anyways.
on April 11, 2020