Trigger warning characters? I'm honestly confused, what is everyone talking about?
on April 11, 2020

You know those warmie pets you put in a microwave. They're great if you suffer from severe menstrual cramps, they also smell absolutely wonderful. Mine smells like lavender, and ??? YES
on April 11, 2020

Anyone know a good place to get a chest binder?

@Xx_Seiya_xX I looked into that, and I've heard a lot of recommendations there. So, I might order from there.
on April 11, 2020
on April 11, 2020

My family needs counseling and guess who doesn't give a shit. My mother, I need counseling to help my f'ucking issues that I have, but my mom doesn't care. The only reason why my brother got help is because the guidance counselor harassed her! However, when my guidance counselor, teachers, and youth director say something shit doesn't happen. It's like I'm the only child she doesn't give a shit about.
on April 10, 2020

Guess who has to get her entire room cleaned and get all of her chores done by 10 o'clock or else her entire room is going to get cleaned out? Me! That's who.
My mom literally has no right to clean out my shit because majority of it is gifts from people, and stuff I f'ucking bought. Just because it is her house, doesn't automatically make my shit hers to throw out.
My mom literally has no right to clean out my shit because majority of it is gifts from people, and stuff I f'ucking bought. Just because it is her house, doesn't automatically make my shit hers to throw out.
on April 10, 2020

Before y'all say I'm not sympathetic for toxic relationships. Last year I got out of a toxic friendship that has seriously lasted age 5-17 guess how many years that is? That's 12 years of being emotionally abused by a person I thought cared for me. Did that affect my actual relationships with people? Yes! Because I dated a person who did the same damn thing to me, except through fake schizophrenia and DID. One relationship after that guy I dated a guy who didn't respect the fact See More I said no and harassed me into sleeping with him, and after that I dated the person who tormented me for 12 years. Forced me to come out before I was ready, lied to people every single day. I've only hate 2 relationships I actually liked, 2. Out of multiple. Could I have easily gotten out of that friendship? Probably, and have I? Yes, i have, but I got reeled back in by the same con that always got me. The fake apology, and a promise that was never kept. Since I was 5 I've had so much damaged internally than a child should ever feel. I can't trust people I want to trust, because I'm too afraid that once I let my guard down they'll turn that against me and make my life miserable. I won't allow myself to feel any ounce of confidence, because once I do I know I'll just be pushed back down and locked in a f'ucking cage because I'm not allowed to love myself. I'm afraid to speak half the time because I fear that once I open my mouth I'll be shut up because my words are not worth anyone's time. Toxic friendships are not friendships and if you feel like you're in one then get out before you're damaged. Because once they realize your damaged they're going to throw you away like garbage because that's all you are to them.
on April 10, 2020

Why are children following me on tik tok! This is annoying, I want to follow people back!
on April 10, 2020

My opinion on would I date you quizzes!
I made one when I was a child and I regret every bit of it. This isn't a dating site, if it were it would not be a 13+ site. It would be set up like an actual dating site meaning 18+ users only.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
(Also, if you made a would I date you for a shit post this is targetted at you. It's for those who actually want to find someone for them)
I made one when I was a child and I regret every bit of it. This isn't a dating site, if it were it would not be a 13+ site. It would be set up like an actual dating site meaning 18+ users only.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
(Also, if you made a would I date you for a shit post this is targetted at you. It's for those who actually want to find someone for them)
on April 10, 2020

Okay, this drama has gone on long enough. It's annoying, block each other, end of discussion. Stop having a pissing party over something so stupid.
on April 10, 2020

I've been on multiple rants about the way I look to people, because I'm fed up with it. You do not determine what I do with my life so shut up about it. Stop telling me I need to wear more make up to look prettier, stop telling me I'm too fat to attract any men, stop telling me that my hair makes me look stupid. I do not care, this is my body, not yours. I dress how I please, I do my hair how I like. Shut up.
on April 10, 2020

"You know you'd look more attractive if you got that peace fuzz off your face!"
If I gave a damn about how people see me, I would wear more makeup every single day. I would consider working out, I'd shop at expensive stores, and I would wear only "popular" girls clothing. But I do not care, everything I wear I wear for myself. The make up isn't for you, it's for me to feel better about who I am not who you want me to be. You want me to be a pretty girl with long natural hair, See More I want to be a person with short fun colored hair. If a person truly cared about me they wouldn't mind how I look. Everyone is allowed their own looks, you can't force someone to be like you.
Since this rant, I now know who has been using my razor.
If I gave a damn about how people see me, I would wear more makeup every single day. I would consider working out, I'd shop at expensive stores, and I would wear only "popular" girls clothing. But I do not care, everything I wear I wear for myself. The make up isn't for you, it's for me to feel better about who I am not who you want me to be. You want me to be a pretty girl with long natural hair, See More I want to be a person with short fun colored hair. If a person truly cared about me they wouldn't mind how I look. Everyone is allowed their own looks, you can't force someone to be like you.
Since this rant, I now know who has been using my razor.
on April 10, 2020

Am I making myself look more masculine, yeah I am, I'm aloud to.
I'm making this post because my mom is very judgmental. I do this because I want to do this, it makes me feel better. I don't know why, but it does.
I'm making this post because my mom is very judgmental. I do this because I want to do this, it makes me feel better. I don't know why, but it does.
on April 10, 2020