Hurrivoi uploaded a photo
When you see two of your classmates making out in the hall so you glare in singular disgust

on August 08, 2018

Hurrivoi asked a question

How can I design a character to look smart, careful, and organized? Character design is...
on August 03, 2018

Need to read some good, lengthy, emotional whump/hurt/comfort fics to relieve stress rn

Mood is part of a complete and balanced breakfast @twinkle.dinkles
on August 03, 2018
on August 03, 2018

Official stalker here ↓↓↓
on August 02, 2018

When you see that gay shit so you audibly say "ew" but then all you're friends ask why you just spoke to the mirror
on August 01, 2018

Peter P needs to babysit Scott's daughter Cassie one movie.
Cassie: Can you summon spiders like my dad can summon ants?
Peter: I'm sorry, you're dad can do what now-
Scott: (mouths) I can summon ants
Scott also: Bye peanut, I'll see you when I'm done hanging out with Captain America!
Peter: ...
Peter: Do you appreciate Star Wars? See More
Cassie: *sips juice box* No! My daddy said he got beat up by a guy who liked Star Wars!
Peter: (almost laughing with tears in his eyes)
Peter: *calls Tony* Mr. Stark, you're not gonna believe this-
Cassie: Can you summon spiders like my dad can summon ants?
Peter: I'm sorry, you're dad can do what now-
Scott: (mouths) I can summon ants
Scott also: Bye peanut, I'll see you when I'm done hanging out with Captain America!
Peter: ...
Peter: Do you appreciate Star Wars? See More
Cassie: *sips juice box* No! My daddy said he got beat up by a guy who liked Star Wars!
Peter: (almost laughing with tears in his eyes)
Peter: *calls Tony* Mr. Stark, you're not gonna believe this-
on August 01, 2018

Qfeaster: *sees two normal humans beings conversing on bench*
Qfeaster: *heavy breathing*
Qfeaster: *Slides in*
... See More
Qfeaster: W a n n a T a l k A b o u t M y Object show O C---
Qfeaster: *sees two normal humans beings conversing on bench*
Qfeaster: *heavy breathing*
Qfeaster: *Slides in*
... See More
Qfeaster: W a n n a T a l k A b o u t M y Object show O C---
on July 30, 2018

Hurrivoi uploaded a photo
Hey this is what I thought white pearl would look like a few years ago! (Art by old me)

on July 27, 2018

Have you ever felt sad or lonely?
Have you ever felt two feet tall?
Have you ever thought, "Man, if only I was anybody else at all."
They like to kick you when times get rough
And you give your all but it's not enough
And sticks and stones might break your bones
But words can break your heart See More
But if you don't know where to go
I'll show you where to start
Kill yourself, it'll only take a minute
You'll be happy that you did it
Just go over to your oven and shove your head in it
Kill yourself, really, you should do it
There's really nothing to it
Just grab a mug and chug a cup of lighter fluid
Okay, now
I feel like you pulled back
Maybe it's on account of the fact that I'm telling you to kill yourself over an over again
I'm just trying to make a simple point
That these.. that life's toughest problems don't have simple answers
You shouldn't just be brave
You shouldn't just roar
You shouldn't kill yourself
But I understand that
It's a sensitive subject and you're probably just hearing me say that
And I've dealt with s- I don't wanna be insen- look
[Verse 2]
I sound unempathetic
I sound mean and rude
Suicide is an epidemic
And I don't want to be misconstrued
Signs of depression go overlooked
So if you're depressed
Then you need to book a therapy session
Talk about your depression
Let a professional hear it
But if you search for moral wisdom in Katy Perry's lyrics, then
Kill yourself, it won't be painful
If you are able
To give a little kiss to an oncoming train, you'll
Kill yourself, it's over, mull it
There's a trigger, pull it
Get it through your head, "it" being a bullet
Stick your tongue in a plug
Suck a pipe of exhaust
Make some toast in the tub
Nail yourself to a cross
Hold your breath 'til it's gone
Drink a gallon of mace
Be gay in Iran
Let Oprah sit on your face
Jump off of a bridge
Skinny dip in a flood
Sky dive attached to a fridge
Drink a Haitian guy's blood
Break into the zoo
Give a tiger a shove
Eat a Phillips head screw
Marry Courtney Love
Have you ever felt two feet tall?
Have you ever thought, "Man, if only I was anybody else at all."
They like to kick you when times get rough
And you give your all but it's not enough
And sticks and stones might break your bones
But words can break your heart See More
But if you don't know where to go
I'll show you where to start
Kill yourself, it'll only take a minute
You'll be happy that you did it
Just go over to your oven and shove your head in it
Kill yourself, really, you should do it
There's really nothing to it
Just grab a mug and chug a cup of lighter fluid
Okay, now
I feel like you pulled back
Maybe it's on account of the fact that I'm telling you to kill yourself over an over again
I'm just trying to make a simple point
That these.. that life's toughest problems don't have simple answers
You shouldn't just be brave
You shouldn't just roar
You shouldn't kill yourself
But I understand that
It's a sensitive subject and you're probably just hearing me say that
And I've dealt with s- I don't wanna be insen- look
[Verse 2]
I sound unempathetic
I sound mean and rude
Suicide is an epidemic
And I don't want to be misconstrued
Signs of depression go overlooked
So if you're depressed
Then you need to book a therapy session
Talk about your depression
Let a professional hear it
But if you search for moral wisdom in Katy Perry's lyrics, then
Kill yourself, it won't be painful
If you are able
To give a little kiss to an oncoming train, you'll
Kill yourself, it's over, mull it
There's a trigger, pull it
Get it through your head, "it" being a bullet
Stick your tongue in a plug
Suck a pipe of exhaust
Make some toast in the tub
Nail yourself to a cross
Hold your breath 'til it's gone
Drink a gallon of mace
Be gay in Iran
Let Oprah sit on your face
Jump off of a bridge
Skinny dip in a flood
Sky dive attached to a fridge
Drink a Haitian guy's blood
Break into the zoo
Give a tiger a shove
Eat a Phillips head screw
Marry Courtney Love
on July 27, 2018

Demonetization is dropping your ratings
To stop a migration of top innovation
And content creation in opposite ways
I saw your new status
And got inspiration to drop a nuke
On top of your faces to mock and efface it
The clock is still racing See More
The mob is impatient
A monster is waiting
Cannot just escape it
You'll drop like a cave-in
Youtube you cray if
You thought you would make it
Past all the creators
Who want to get paid for
Their awesome creations
So take the advice of a god in the making
To stop a migration of top innovation
And content creation in opposite ways
I saw your new status
And got inspiration to drop a nuke
On top of your faces to mock and efface it
The clock is still racing See More
The mob is impatient
A monster is waiting
Cannot just escape it
You'll drop like a cave-in
Youtube you cray if
You thought you would make it
Past all the creators
Who want to get paid for
Their awesome creations
So take the advice of a god in the making
on July 27, 2018

On a scale of one to ten, how realistic are hospital scenes in books/movies. Looking for answers from real people that have been to a hospital before
on July 26, 2018