So, um, my sister is going to the emergency room. So that's new with me, wuwy
on August 29, 2016

Well, I guess some of you have been wondering (or not even noticing or caring) where I've been the past few days. Well, I'm leaving for a bit, mostly just until I'm done with soccer, and school hype dies down a bit, and once my puppy gets older and can learn how to be on his own. I might come on if I have time, like right now, but for the next few months I doubt I will be active on this website, so I guess bye for now.
on August 25, 2016

on August 21, 2016

Can I please join? (Athena pls, if possible)
on August 21, 2016

guys I was invited to a birthday party tomorrow. that's the second one in two weeks. this is not natural... what is happening?
on August 18, 2016

Hogwarts_Huntress added a story to the favorite list

Hunter's Arrow (Naomi X Artemis story)
on August 18, 2016

ugh I just found out my class today and, like usual, I'm in the crappy class with none of my friends and a really annoying girl who cusses 24/7 and literally bullied a girl so much that she left school. ugh. just ugh.

@toughwolf3 Thanks. Luckily, I won't be in every class with them, because of specials and math groups.
on August 17, 2016

on August 17, 2016
on August 17, 2016

ah, it's midnight here, and I'm not tired. this is bad cos I need a sleep pattern before next week when I start school
on August 17, 2016

3+ likes for
Real name: Meghan
Weight: like 106 lbs.
Height: 5' 0"
Age: hmm, I dare you guys to take a wild guess.
BFF: On here, @Lady_Artemis
Crush: His name is Leo See More
Battery percentage: %100 (phone ans computer)
Fav food: Okay, well, I have like 5, so Ice cream, Mozzerella sticks, vanilla pudding, mac n' cheese, and Meatball subs
Lost text: ?_?
Addiction: Vanilla Pudding
Fav song: You & I by One Direction (lol who else?)
Fav color: Caribbean Blue
Fv animal: German Shepherd Husky mix
Shoe size: um I think 6
Sing In the shower: heck yea
One wish: Most people would say "world peace" or something like that but I'm not most people, so I want endless vanilla pudding (homemade obviously, or just from the jello packets idc which)
Country you live in: USA USA!!
Plan on marriage: Yeah I'm getting married, and I'm straight, so
Fav subject: LA
First kiss: lol nope, never had one
Insecure about: body shape
Miss anyone: Yeah, my grandpa
Hair color: Caramel brown (most of the time)
Relationship status: lol single (;-; cri)
Last song in your head: Heathens
Biggest fear: Australia
Something you hate: The color orange
Fav tv show: Friends
Fav book: Harry Potter and the every book in that series and Percy Jackson and the same with Harry Potter
Fav fandom: hmm.. Potterheads are more vicious, so them
Jealous of: J.K. Rowling (yet I admire her so much)
Worst habit: Internet (yes you, Qfeast)
Sports you play: Soccer, Swimming, Volleyball, Basketball, and somewhat sofball
Talent: umm, I guess I'm not a terrible artist or writer
Embarrassing moment: I was going to read a poem in fifth grade, and when I walked up to the front of the class, I accidently farted. oops.
Future career choice: author or auror you dumbies. know this stuff about me
St@rted by @The_Bright_Side
Real name: Meghan
Weight: like 106 lbs.
Height: 5' 0"
Age: hmm, I dare you guys to take a wild guess.
BFF: On here, @Lady_Artemis
Crush: His name is Leo See More
Battery percentage: %100 (phone ans computer)
Fav food: Okay, well, I have like 5, so Ice cream, Mozzerella sticks, vanilla pudding, mac n' cheese, and Meatball subs
Lost text: ?_?
Addiction: Vanilla Pudding
Fav song: You & I by One Direction (lol who else?)
Fav color: Caribbean Blue
Fv animal: German Shepherd Husky mix
Shoe size: um I think 6
Sing In the shower: heck yea
One wish: Most people would say "world peace" or something like that but I'm not most people, so I want endless vanilla pudding (homemade obviously, or just from the jello packets idc which)
Country you live in: USA USA!!
Plan on marriage: Yeah I'm getting married, and I'm straight, so
Fav subject: LA
First kiss: lol nope, never had one
Insecure about: body shape
Miss anyone: Yeah, my grandpa
Hair color: Caramel brown (most of the time)
Relationship status: lol single (;-; cri)
Last song in your head: Heathens
Biggest fear: Australia
Something you hate: The color orange
Fav tv show: Friends
Fav book: Harry Potter and the every book in that series and Percy Jackson and the same with Harry Potter
Fav fandom: hmm.. Potterheads are more vicious, so them
Jealous of: J.K. Rowling (yet I admire her so much)
Worst habit: Internet (yes you, Qfeast)
Sports you play: Soccer, Swimming, Volleyball, Basketball, and somewhat sofball
Talent: umm, I guess I'm not a terrible artist or writer
Embarrassing moment: I was going to read a poem in fifth grade, and when I walked up to the front of the class, I accidently farted. oops.
Future career choice: author or auror you dumbies. know this stuff about me
St@rted by @The_Bright_Side
on August 17, 2016

on August 17, 2016

New Moons (Mia X Hunter)
Mia, a loyal servant to her lady, Artemis, and part of her Hunt, meets a boy during one of their stays at Camp Half-Blood. Little does she know that he might be the love of her life.
on August 17, 2016