Hogwarts_Huntress's Questions
Hogwarts_Huntress asked 31 questions

Hunger Games? So I wanted to do a story using the Brain Steel hunger games, but I need ...

What are some good shows to watch on Netflix? I need some good shows to watch on Netfli...

How can I to get rid of acne? So I have some acne, and I don't know what to do. I clean...

What character in the Percy Jackson series would you date? Percy for me, obviously, but...

Percabeth or Perachel? Percy x Annabeth or Percy x Rachel? Also write your reasoning!

Do think this is a fair way to see who's it for a game? So my friends have a way to see...

Do you have any Summer Reading Book Recommendations? I've been looking for some books t...
What are your phobia(s)? I just wanna know what other people are scared of. I have Tryp...

Not-So-Mean Girl Trouble A bunch of my friends think that a girl in my grade is super m...

Are you a Mythical Beast? I just wanna know who else on here is a Mythical Beast. I DEF...

What's your favorite Harry Potter movie? Mine's Deathly Hallows pt. 2, but what's yours?

Do you like Narwhals? I like Narwhals, do you?

What do you think is the most popular fandom on Qfeast? I don't know. Most are equal, b...

Do you have a crush on Qfeast? If so, who? You don't have to say if it's too personal. ...

Who is your favorite person in Dumbledore's Army? I like Luna Lovegood.

What's Your Lowest Grade? What has been your lowest grade ever. Like your whole school ...

What Harry Potter Couple Do You Ship? I ship Luna and Neville.

What's your favorite Broadway play? I like Mary Poppins, but what so YOU like?

What's Your Favorite Store? Where do you like to shop? Any store, it doesn't matter wha...