When your at a party and the latest song starts to play and everyone wants you sing along and you don't know the words...
on February 13, 2016
When you think your crush is starring at you but he/she is really looking a the kid next to you
on February 13, 2016
Guava_Juice added a photo to the starred list
on February 13, 2016
Guava_Juice added a photo to the starred list
on February 13, 2016
Guava_Juice added a photo to the starred list
on February 13, 2016
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quiz to the
favorite list
What kind of heart do you have?
on February 10, 2016
on February 10, 2016
Guava_Juice added a photo to the starred list
on February 10, 2016
Guava_Juice added a photo to the starred list
on February 10, 2016
added a
quiz to the
favorite list
Does my crush like me?girls only
on February 10, 2016
on February 10, 2016
Guava_Juice created a poll
Dantdm or Stampylongnose?
on February 08, 2016
Guava_Juice created a poll
Super bowl sunday 2016
on February 08, 2016
Guava_Juice created a story
The snack time in class
on February 08, 2016
added a
quiz to the
favorite list
What type of Qfeaster are you? (1)
on February 06, 2016
on February 06, 2016
Guava_Juice created a poll
Are you a girly girl or tomboy?
on February 06, 2016
Guava_Juice subscribed to page
Qfeast Contests
on February 06, 2016