That Odd Moment When...
An open page for everyone to be able to post their awkward, awesome, or even embarrassing moments so we can all smile and learn to laugh at ourselves :D
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

The moment when your crush walks in the room and your friend see you staring at them and there all like omg there's your crush and you punch them in the shoulder and your crush is all like WTF
on February 19, 2016

That moment when your friends start talking to you/teasing you about your crush and you realize your crush is right behind you

on February 19, 2016
on February 19, 2016

Trying to sing in Japanese when you can't even sing well in english
on February 19, 2016

That moment when your teacher makes everyone but you do a special assignment. *dances*
on February 18, 2016

That moment when you teacher need 2 pull up there pants and everyone is laughing hard
on February 18, 2016

That moment when you asked your crush out and he's looking at you all day then he say I thought about what you said and your all like he's going to say yes! But he says no...
on February 18, 2016

When you walking into the opposite gender bathroom and you don't realize you did....
on February 13, 2016

When your in the bathroom doing your biz, and the person next to you is listening...
on February 13, 2016

When your daydreaming in class and the teacher is screaming your name...
on February 13, 2016

When your at a party and the latest song starts to play and everyone wants you sing along and you don't know the words...
on February 13, 2016

When you think your crush is starring at you but he/she is really looking a the kid next to you
on February 13, 2016

on February 01, 2016

Tfw you have 500+ followers and are following 1000+ people but absolutely nobody is online
on January 30, 2016
That awkward moment when you walk into class and everyone stares at you.
ikr xP
Doesn't help that I HATE eye contact and that I have social anxiety/am shy/am timid.
Doesn't help that I HATE eye contact and that I have social anxiety/am shy/am timid.
on January 30, 2016
on January 30, 2016

That awkward moment when you lip sing your favorite song and you just find all those eyes staring at you cause your in a store?
on January 30, 2016

That awkward moment when your parents come in the room, you minimize every single tab, and they ask you why you're staring at your screensaver.
on January 30, 2016
on January 30, 2016