Guys. My. Bio. Is. Ruined. D: Idk. What. I. Did. To. It. But. That's. My. Instagram. Bio. (fetus bio)
on July 22, 2016

UPokemon Go is EVERYWHERE!
Everybody I know, (and idols) are playing it. *me too*
It ruined our social life.
(^ but someone said they made friends.. Now idk)
Everybody I know, (and idols) are playing it. *me too*
It ruined our social life.
(^ but someone said they made friends.. Now idk)
on July 22, 2016

I just deleted all my stories bc they're horrible.
I need help too, Ive been feeling down.
And idk what to do.
I'm starting to get so much hate over all my problems with me family and it keeps getting to me.
Every minute that passes by makes me feel worse and worse about myself.
I need help too, Ive been feeling down.
And idk what to do.
I'm starting to get so much hate over all my problems with me family and it keeps getting to me.
Every minute that passes by makes me feel worse and worse about myself.

on July 22, 2016
on July 22, 2016

on July 22, 2016

I haven't been on for
long! LOML!!
long! LOML!!
on July 22, 2016

I need someone to talk to.
I never knew life could be a punishment.
My life keeps getting worse everyday.
Idk what to do??
But either way, gn. -_-
I never knew life could be a punishment.
My life keeps getting worse everyday.
Idk what to do??
But either way, gn. -_-
on July 19, 2016

I'm the worse person I'll ever know. And bye for a while, I've been busy and will be.
on July 16, 2016

Theres nothing more important to me than be in different families. I have my own Family, and I have my other family, which included friends and all other people in my fandoms. I might just mean a fan to him, or them, but they mean the world to me. "I swear on my life I'm there for you" ~ RJS. I haven't met any of my idols, and probably never will, but just with a smile, a laugh or just a smirk makes my day better bc I know that they will be okay, and I can be happy with them. See More (I'm just a dumbass person, I sound like an idiot) And also, if they ever see a picture a posted of him/her/them and they smile, truly, I'll be glad to know that they appreciate me being here for them.
on July 13, 2016

Small Account:
I need someone to talk to ):
*everyone ignores*
Big Account: I sneezed
"Praying for you"
"Stay strong"
"I love you <3"
I need someone to talk to ):
*everyone ignores*
Big Account: I sneezed
"Praying for you"
"Stay strong"
"I love you <3"
on July 02, 2016

My mom will never know that I accidentally kissed my guy best friend
on July 02, 2016

YOU KNOW ME I'M A G - A - N - G - S - T - A -A -A -A A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A A-A-A-A-A-AA-A
on July 02, 2016

There's sometimes that I feel like a stupid little loser, and then I feel loved.
Sometimes I just need help.
Or someone to talk to.
Sometimes I just need help.
Or someone to talk to.
on June 30, 2016

on June 30, 2016

on June 26, 2016

♈ Aries
♉ Taurus
♊ Gemini
♋ Cancer
♌ Leo
♍ Virgo
♎ Libra See More
♏ Scorpio
♐ Sagittarius
♑ Capricorn ♥
♒ Aquarius
♓ Pisces
Put a ♥ by what you are
♉ Taurus
♊ Gemini
♋ Cancer
♌ Leo
♍ Virgo
♎ Libra See More
♏ Scorpio
♐ Sagittarius
♑ Capricorn ♥
♒ Aquarius
♓ Pisces
Put a ♥ by what you are
on June 26, 2016