FandomTrash's Starred Polls
FandomTrash has 74 starred polls

which 5sos member?

What is your favorite expression?

Do You Want a Cookie
Do you think fat people will always be ugly?
Do you get bullied?

Would you rather? (50)
Do you like Meghan Trainor's new music video No?

Do you swear?

Who are you during a bullying incident?

Have you herd about Amanda Todd?

Do you want Donald Trump for prezident?
What should be Jackie's theme song? [BRAND NEW]

What kind of song would be my theme song?
What's is ur fav thing to do on Qfeast?

Do You Feel More Comfortable With Your Left Thumb On Top Or Right?

who has the best powers/bionics? (lab rats: elite force)

who has the best bionics? (lab rats)
Who's the sass queen?
Billy Unger VS. Chase Davenport