on May 30, 2016

Guy's I am finally back, listen . . . I AM SOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT BEING HERE:((:((:(( First of all my computer was dropped down the stairs, and second of all, the screen cracked and broke......... to much to say, but anyways I promise I will make it up to you by finishing the story, and sending my inspiration of mind out into the sea!!!!!!!!!
on May 30, 2016

Well everybody, hope your Monday went well, and I hope that you are ready for Tuesday for some MORE UPDATES ON MY STORY!!! Check out my profile if you haven't already, feel free to make comments and follow. So I will see you beautiful munchkin's later and have and awesome night.<3
on April 05, 2016

Hey Guy's, Spring Break is officially over for me and some people, So all I wanted to do Is Give a HUGE thank you for all the people who supported me when it was my first time here!!! So if you don't know me, please check out my profile and follow.B) So this is a goodnight for now, and I will see you goober's ASAP. Good Night my lovely's:-*:D
on April 04, 2016