FIREquizzer asked a question

Do you think I'm Rainbow Dash? Do you think I'm Rainbow Dash? It's just that my BFF and...
on August 16, 2018

on August 12, 2018

FIREquizzer asked a question
What kinds of subjects do Qfeasters like? Well, it seemes like most of my quizzes are l...
on August 11, 2018

Name: Rainbow Fire
Cutie mark: A rainbow-colored fireball
Age: (she is immortal, though she looks like she's just 14 years old)
Mane color: Red with a rainbow streak (Rainbow Dash hair)
Skin color: Pale blue (85% white 15% blue)
Eye color: Gold (it shines, just like real gold)
Type: Pegasi See More
Magic color: None
Hobbies: Napping, reading and flying
About: Has a black lightning bolt tattoo on her neck and a scar on her eye
Element of harmony: None
Strength: Can stand any kind of pain, physically and spiritually (knives, swords, needles etc.)
Flaw: She's not good at spying
Other: She is the child of Commander Hurricane and an earth pony warrior.
Battled King Sombra (the source of the scar on her eye) and once ruled the crystal empire for 200 centuries. Dyes the tips of her wings with the color red. Lived in a farm (with her wings hid) for 18 years before moving to cloudsdale and figuring out that she is a pegasus. (read my story "Rainbow Fire").
Cutie mark: A rainbow-colored fireball
Age: (she is immortal, though she looks like she's just 14 years old)
Mane color: Red with a rainbow streak (Rainbow Dash hair)
Skin color: Pale blue (85% white 15% blue)
Eye color: Gold (it shines, just like real gold)
Type: Pegasi See More
Magic color: None
Hobbies: Napping, reading and flying
About: Has a black lightning bolt tattoo on her neck and a scar on her eye
Element of harmony: None
Strength: Can stand any kind of pain, physically and spiritually (knives, swords, needles etc.)
Flaw: She's not good at spying
Other: She is the child of Commander Hurricane and an earth pony warrior.
Battled King Sombra (the source of the scar on her eye) and once ruled the crystal empire for 200 centuries. Dyes the tips of her wings with the color red. Lived in a farm (with her wings hid) for 18 years before moving to cloudsdale and figuring out that she is a pegasus. (read my story "Rainbow Fire").

She's Rainbow dash's Great (I will say great 60 times so I decided to just tell you the fact like this) grandmother
on August 16, 2018
on August 11, 2018

Did you ever have a time when your little brother sits on you and pretends you're a horse?
on August 09, 2018
on August 09, 2018

•20% cooler than any other creature in the world
•20% cooler than any other creature in the world
on August 09, 2018
on August 09, 2018

FIREquizzer asked a question
Can you describe My Little Pony well? This is an awesome challenge! Describe My Little ...
on August 08, 2018

on August 03, 2018