Name: Glitter rose
Cutie Mark: A red rose
Age: 21
Mane color: Crimson
Skin color: White (100% white)
Eye color: Dark Green
Type: Unicorn See More
Magic color: Pink
Hobbies: Selling flowers at her flower store
About: Has a little sister called Sparkle Daisy (as in the flower called Daisy)
Element of harmony: none
Strength: Is an expert at flowers, especially roses.
Flaw: Is easily scammed/tricked
BFF(s): Fluttershy and Sparkle Heart (SparkleHeartOwl's OC)
Personality: Shy, pretty, funny
Birthday: July 7
Fun fact: Lives in Manehattan
Other: (I told you guys all about her. There's nothing to tell)
Cutie Mark: A red rose
Age: 21
Mane color: Crimson
Skin color: White (100% white)
Eye color: Dark Green
Type: Unicorn See More
Magic color: Pink
Hobbies: Selling flowers at her flower store
About: Has a little sister called Sparkle Daisy (as in the flower called Daisy)
Element of harmony: none
Strength: Is an expert at flowers, especially roses.
Flaw: Is easily scammed/tricked
BFF(s): Fluttershy and Sparkle Heart (SparkleHeartOwl's OC)
Personality: Shy, pretty, funny
Birthday: July 7
Fun fact: Lives in Manehattan
Other: (I told you guys all about her. There's nothing to tell)

She will surely be my friend! I like romantic roses and I will make a rose skirt for her with Rarity. I get tricked easily too!
on September 04, 2018
on August 25, 2018

FIREquizzer subscribed to page

Type your name backwards (there will be a funny result)
on August 24, 2018

Hey People of Qfeast! I'm making a book series and I need some characters. Can you please message me and tell me some of your OCs? Ponies and other objects are allowed. ;)
on August 24, 2018

Name: Bubblegum
Cutie mark: none
Age: 5 (months old)
Mane color: Pink fading into cyan. Has curls at the bottom
Skin color: White
Eye color: Rainbow
Type: Pegasi See More
Magic color: None
Hobbies: Unknown
About: Hates regular milk but loves chocolate milk
Element of harmony: none
Strength: Can beat Rainbow Dash in a flying race
Flaw: is spoiled
BFF(s): Pound, Pumpkin and Spike
Personality: Cute, Funny
Birthday: March 22
Fun fact: Learned to fly after being born (she literally flew out of the room once she got born)
Other: Secretly eats the cakes that were supposed to be on display at Sugarcube corner
Cutie mark: none
Age: 5 (months old)
Mane color: Pink fading into cyan. Has curls at the bottom
Skin color: White
Eye color: Rainbow
Type: Pegasi See More
Magic color: None
Hobbies: Unknown
About: Hates regular milk but loves chocolate milk
Element of harmony: none
Strength: Can beat Rainbow Dash in a flying race
Flaw: is spoiled
BFF(s): Pound, Pumpkin and Spike
Personality: Cute, Funny
Birthday: March 22
Fun fact: Learned to fly after being born (she literally flew out of the room once she got born)
Other: Secretly eats the cakes that were supposed to be on display at Sugarcube corner
on August 23, 2018

Um, @SparkleHeartOwl, I want to make an alicorn oc, but the rules say no alicorns are allowed. Why are alicorns prevented?

on September 04, 2018
on August 23, 2018

on August 23, 2018

@SparkleHeartOwl and @Batim17 for being my BBFFs (Best best friends forever)
on August 23, 2018

My OCs (people)
Jesse: A mischievous 15 year-old boy with brown hair and big green eyes.
Bernadette: A sporty 21 year-old girl with brown hair and big blue eyes
Alexander: A cute 25 year-old boy with blonde hair and brown eyes
Rose: A pretty 14 year-old girl with curly black hair and blue eyes
Atreo: A sporty 15 year-old boy with black hair and big blue eyes
Quianna: A cool 18 year-old girl with dyed electric blue hair and black eyes
Jesse: A mischievous 15 year-old boy with brown hair and big green eyes.
Bernadette: A sporty 21 year-old girl with brown hair and big blue eyes
Alexander: A cute 25 year-old boy with blonde hair and brown eyes
Rose: A pretty 14 year-old girl with curly black hair and blue eyes
Atreo: A sporty 15 year-old boy with black hair and big blue eyes
Quianna: A cool 18 year-old girl with dyed electric blue hair and black eyes
on August 23, 2018

What are you planning to be on halloween? I'm planning to be Rainbow Dash
on August 23, 2018

Name: Coca-cola (she prefers to be called coca-cola, though her real name is Red Soda)
Cutie mark:A bottle of Coca-cola
Age: 10
Mane color: Red
Skin color: (not black) grey
Eye color: Black
Type: Earth pony See More
Magic color: none
Hobbies: drinking Coca-cola
About: Has a secret Coca-cola stash at her house
Element of harmony: none
Strength: Can drink up to 9,999,999 bottles of Coca-Cola in a minute
Flaw: Never eats/drinks anything except Coca-cola and Coca-Cola popsicles
BFF(s):Coca-Cola bottles (poor Red Soda, her friends are only Coca-Cola bottles)
Personality: Funny
Birthday: September 5
Fun fact: Her house is made up of 999,999,999 bottles of Coca-cola
Other: (I told you everything about her)
Cutie mark:A bottle of Coca-cola
Age: 10
Mane color: Red
Skin color: (not black) grey
Eye color: Black
Type: Earth pony See More
Magic color: none
Hobbies: drinking Coca-cola
About: Has a secret Coca-cola stash at her house
Element of harmony: none
Strength: Can drink up to 9,999,999 bottles of Coca-Cola in a minute
Flaw: Never eats/drinks anything except Coca-cola and Coca-Cola popsicles
BFF(s):Coca-Cola bottles (poor Red Soda, her friends are only Coca-Cola bottles)
Personality: Funny
Birthday: September 5
Fun fact: Her house is made up of 999,999,999 bottles of Coca-cola
Other: (I told you everything about her)
on August 23, 2018

Name: Fire quizzer
Cutie mark: a horseshoe with a fire trail
Age: 9 (it's true. I'm 9 years old)
Mane color: Black
Skin color: Orange
Eye color: Brown
Type: Pegasi See More
Magic color: none
Hobbies: Drawing, racing
About: Loves the song "Awesome as I wanna be" by Rainbow Dash
Element of harmony: none :(
Strength: Racing, drawing
Flaw:Hides her love for poetry (except her parents, of course)
BFF(s): Rainbow Dash!
Personality: Cool, Awesome
Birthday: June 2
Fun fact: Is crazy for Rainbow Dash (I got in a fight with my friend to see who is the best Rainbow Dash).
Other: I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove RAINBOW DASH!
Cutie mark: a horseshoe with a fire trail
Age: 9 (it's true. I'm 9 years old)
Mane color: Black
Skin color: Orange
Eye color: Brown
Type: Pegasi See More
Magic color: none
Hobbies: Drawing, racing
About: Loves the song "Awesome as I wanna be" by Rainbow Dash
Element of harmony: none :(
Strength: Racing, drawing
Flaw:Hides her love for poetry (except her parents, of course)
BFF(s): Rainbow Dash!
Personality: Cool, Awesome
Birthday: June 2
Fun fact: Is crazy for Rainbow Dash (I got in a fight with my friend to see who is the best Rainbow Dash).
Other: I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove RAINBOW DASH!
on August 23, 2018

Name: Cherry blossom
Cutie mark: none
Age: 5
Mane color: Pink (Fluttershy's hair color) with a brown-black streak (her hair is always in a ponytail) with curls at the bottom
Skin color: Really light pink (95% white 5% pink)
Eye color: Black
Type: Unicorn See More
Magic color: Bubblegum pink
Hobbies: Writing poetry, singing, dancing and taking care of animals
About: Really shy (Fluttershy is braver than her) and rarely talks
Element of harmony: none
Strength: writing poetry and writing/singing songs
Flaw: never plays outside with other fillies, only with her animals
BFF(s): Fluttershy
Personality: Shy, pretty
Birthday: April 1
Fun fact: Can talk to animals (like Fluttershy)
Other: She will earn her cutie mark tomorrow. Her cutie mark will be three pink cherry blossom flowers with a gold one in the middle. Oh, and she's got freckles
Cutie mark: none
Age: 5
Mane color: Pink (Fluttershy's hair color) with a brown-black streak (her hair is always in a ponytail) with curls at the bottom
Skin color: Really light pink (95% white 5% pink)
Eye color: Black
Type: Unicorn See More
Magic color: Bubblegum pink
Hobbies: Writing poetry, singing, dancing and taking care of animals
About: Really shy (Fluttershy is braver than her) and rarely talks
Element of harmony: none
Strength: writing poetry and writing/singing songs
Flaw: never plays outside with other fillies, only with her animals
BFF(s): Fluttershy
Personality: Shy, pretty
Birthday: April 1
Fun fact: Can talk to animals (like Fluttershy)
Other: She will earn her cutie mark tomorrow. Her cutie mark will be three pink cherry blossom flowers with a gold one in the middle. Oh, and she's got freckles
on August 23, 2018

Cutie mark:
Mane color:
Skin color
Eye color: See More
Magic color:
Element of harmony:
Fun fact:
Cutie mark:
Mane color:
Skin color
Eye color: See More
Magic color:
Element of harmony:
Fun fact:
on August 23, 2018

Name: Skullstar
Cutie mark: A skull with three magenta stars at the right side
Age: 25
Mane color: Cherry blossom pink (Fluttershy's hair color) in a Twilight Sparkle hairstyle
Skin color: Ink black
Eye color: Magenta
Type: Unicorn See More
Magic color: White
Hobbies: Summoning Cerberus, doing creepy rituals, practicing dark magic
About: Is nocturnal, has a pet bat, has vampire-like fangs and (this part is creepy) drinks blood
Element of harmony: none
Strength: Blends in with the shadows skillfully in the middle of the night to drink blood
Flaw: none
Other: Lives in a cave deep in the everfree forest where nopony (even Zecora) goes.
Cutie mark: A skull with three magenta stars at the right side
Age: 25
Mane color: Cherry blossom pink (Fluttershy's hair color) in a Twilight Sparkle hairstyle
Skin color: Ink black
Eye color: Magenta
Type: Unicorn See More
Magic color: White
Hobbies: Summoning Cerberus, doing creepy rituals, practicing dark magic
About: Is nocturnal, has a pet bat, has vampire-like fangs and (this part is creepy) drinks blood
Element of harmony: none
Strength: Blends in with the shadows skillfully in the middle of the night to drink blood
Flaw: none
Other: Lives in a cave deep in the everfree forest where nopony (even Zecora) goes.
on August 19, 2018

Thank you for adding me to the "please follow these people" list! I added you to mine as well
on August 17, 2018