i have this, and dont judge, and im over unicorns
on May 01, 2018

who hates getting up for school? i have to get up at 4:00in the morning, and i hate it, what times do you wake up for school or home school

Yep. I start at 9:30 but I have to log in at 8. I have a different kind of homeschool since I had to leave my other class cause it shut down. @YettyTube
on May 02, 2018
on May 01, 2018

on April 30, 2018

i went to the talent show on wendsday, and i was scared, 800 people were looking at me! but i made it! there was this guy who did the revolution of dance! and he twirked! xD and he got first place! this girl named mya, who has a beautiful voice, got second, and 3rd was a guy who sang the star soangeled banner, and i dont know what place i got in, i think 4th, but im not sure, and i wasnt on Qfeast for a while!

Hey, at least you didn't perform it with your sister and she failed horribly at it. It haunts me to this day...
on April 28, 2018
on April 27, 2018

This is a spell to restore health amd vigour
Sky above me, stars so bright
hear my plea upon this night,
restore my health and vigour in me
the spell is done, so mote it be!
Sky above me, stars so bright
hear my plea upon this night,
restore my health and vigour in me
the spell is done, so mote it be!
on April 27, 2018

i’ve been waiting for something like this!

on April 27, 2018
on April 27, 2018

who wants to hear a pizza joke?
on April 24, 2018

EmptySoul asked a question

What do i do? My moms boyfriend joe is a jerk to me and my brother Joe is in a motorcyc...
on April 24, 2018

I have a talent show tomorrow, and im terrified! i have to talk in front of 800 students and probaly more parents in the after show! I’m doing comedy, and im not very brave!
on April 24, 2018