on May 11, 2018

EmptySoul asked a question

What is your favorite Anime? (10) this can be a game or a show, anime is every where! m...
on May 11, 2018

Potato Wolf: *howls ate the moon and eats a poato she found on the ground*
on May 11, 2018

i got taken away, and now for a temporary home, i live at my grandmas, cause i got punched in the head from joe, my moms boyfriend, so i still have a bruse on the side of my head :( and joe says the my grandma snuck into my moms house and took clothes from my room, and that is not true! but im fine and i shouldnt let my gaurd down, and im going through tough times, and its nice to know you guys are there, and thanks for everything youve done to help me with advice and stuff like See More that! and happy morning i guess! xD and thanks for everything i could not ask for anything more than people like you!
on May 11, 2018

im useing my school iPad for Qfeast and it said access denied! and i was like WWHHYY! but i figured out how to unblock this website! :3
on May 09, 2018

im not foing to be on Qfeast for a while, i have science mca s, but ill be on after school and stuff like that
on May 07, 2018