EmptySoul asked a question

Who Wants Me To Draw A Profile Pic For You? Just tell me on this question, and ill draw...
on May 21, 2018

Name: Jackie
Nickname: Lil’ Jay or Jacks
Gender: Female
Type: Demon
Age: 19
Height: 5 foot 1
Percings: One Black Earing in right ear See More
Scars: One running along the underside of her left arm and a scar on her cheek
Tattoos: One tattoo on her forehead saying, “fight me”
Weapon: A bloody Batlle Axe andbloody brass knucles
Looks: One Blue eye amd one red eye, wears a blood stained white tee shirt (used to be white) and black leggings, has short dark red hair, and wears a black headband
Magic: Can pop someones head with one thought in her head about it
Family: none
relationship: none
Likes: likes to see people get hurt
Favorite phrase: There should be some happyness, but more pain, and the happiness is mine, not yours
Nickname: Lil’ Jay or Jacks
Gender: Female
Type: Demon
Age: 19
Height: 5 foot 1
Percings: One Black Earing in right ear See More
Scars: One running along the underside of her left arm and a scar on her cheek
Tattoos: One tattoo on her forehead saying, “fight me”
Weapon: A bloody Batlle Axe andbloody brass knucles
Looks: One Blue eye amd one red eye, wears a blood stained white tee shirt (used to be white) and black leggings, has short dark red hair, and wears a black headband
Magic: Can pop someones head with one thought in her head about it
Family: none
relationship: none
Likes: likes to see people get hurt
Favorite phrase: There should be some happyness, but more pain, and the happiness is mine, not yours
on May 21, 2018

on May 21, 2018

Who Plays Roblox, And Whats Your Roblox Account?
on May 21, 2018

on May 18, 2018

Fear: Losing Manga Magazine She Always Has And Always Reads In Spare Time
Strengths: Tae Kwon Do, short, but fast, eats candy and mountan dew for energy
Personality:Short, but not to short, tough, but has a soft side, doesnt talk much, cause is always reading magazine, likes to kick people in the shin
Looks: Blushes all the time, and has big eyes that are purple, and has twin black drills in hair, wears a shirt that has a dabbing cat and wears See More black leggings
Weapons: Bowe Knife, sniper, Tae Kwon Do Skills for the most part
Fear: Losing Manga Magazine She Always Has And Always Reads In Spare Time
Strengths: Tae Kwon Do, short, but fast, eats candy and mountan dew for energy
Personality:Short, but not to short, tough, but has a soft side, doesnt talk much, cause is always reading magazine, likes to kick people in the shin
Looks: Blushes all the time, and has big eyes that are purple, and has twin black drills in hair, wears a shirt that has a dabbing cat and wears See More black leggings
Weapons: Bowe Knife, sniper, Tae Kwon Do Skills for the most part
on May 18, 2018

My friend is trying to make a account here on Qfeast, but it wont accept her email, what should she do?
on May 18, 2018

the wedding of prince harry and megan markel, who is going to get up early and watch the wedding?

im going to, weddings are beautiful, and i might not get up on time, and its on the weekend! so i might miss it, but who cares
on May 18, 2018
on May 18, 2018

i just had my color run, and i have color all in my ears and hair, it is going to take a month to get the color stuff out of my hair, and i was dancing most of the time and there was a live deejay and my feet are sooo sore from dancing! like this if you were at the color run! and hi peeps
on May 17, 2018

on May 16, 2018

hoi! im going on a trip on my favorite rocket ship flying throungh the sky!
im going on a feild trip to the minnesota discovery center, and ill be gone all day, that means no Qfeast! nooo i need my Qfeast! and no iPads or phones! :( Tourture!
im going on a feild trip to the minnesota discovery center, and ill be gone all day, that means no Qfeast! nooo i need my Qfeast! and no iPads or phones! :( Tourture!
on May 15, 2018

hai and this page is old i dont know what to do with this page :3
on May 14, 2018

my teacher gave me a missing assinment report and ithas onemissing assingment and i have nothing missing!

This reminds me of my 4th grade teacher
Teacher: Where is your assignment?
Student: I handed it in
Teacher: i dont have it.
Student: i think you lost it See More
Teacher: REDO IT!
Teacher: Where is your assignment?
Student: I handed it in
Teacher: i dont have it.
Student: i think you lost it See More
Teacher: REDO IT!
on May 14, 2018
on May 14, 2018