EclipsedWolf13's Questions - Page 5
EclipsedWolf13 asked 103 questions

Did you know of the new Latina Princess? A new princess by the name of Elena will be ap...

What do you think FNAF series?Do you like it? I like the 1st and 2nd better than the ot...

Why are there so many car crashes lately? I've noticed there's been a lot of car crashe...

How do you deal with anger/sadness? I listen to music or read or take deep breaths

What was your best year(s) of school? Since school is starting up soon I thought of thi...

Most Embarrassing Moment?

Weirdest Question Anyone Has Ever Asked You?
What Colors Do You Wear The Most? I wear mostly black,grey,pink,and red.Don't know why ...
What Are Your Favorite Things About QFeast? I like how so many people are respectful an...

What Are Your Favorite Animals?Like The Ones You Love The Most? I love owls and wolves....

Do you think I should write a story? Hey,guys.Im wondering if I should write a story,I ...

Should I write a story? Hey,guys.Im wondering if I should write a story,I mean I'd like...

What was that voice Marco heard in The Blood Moon Ball? I think it was a soul of the mo...

Do You Have Any Life Questions/Therioes? I've always wondered if we chose our own famil...

Where in The World Would You Want to Live/Visit and Why? I'd like to live in New York,S...

If You Could Live/Visit Anywhere in The World Where And Why? I'd say London,Japan,Italy...

Who in Your Family is The Person Who Continues to Tell You Things You Already Know? My ...

What Type of Friend Are You? I'm like the friend who listens to another friend's proble...

Has Any of Your Friends/Family Tried to Set You Up? I remember when I was in,I think,4t...