EclipsedWolf13's Questions - Page 4
EclipsedWolf13 asked 103 questions

Why do you think you cry? I cry when I'm sad and when I feel defenseless.Like you know ...

What is your reaction when someone asks you out? I'd first ask 'Are you serious?' and t...

What did you think of the season finale of Star Vs The FOE? It melted me!On my god!It w...

Have you ever heard of Don't Stay in School? I saw it on TheFineBros react video and in...

Do you like the Total Drama series? Me?I LOVE it.Im already shipping like almost all th...

Ever make an OC(original character)? Yes.I made one(in my mind)for almost every single ...

Do you think you can sing? I love to sing,but mainly to myself and around family and a ...

What song do you think describes you and/or your life? I have to If Only from the movie...

What do you think of The Pixar Theory? I personally would like to think its real.I mean...

What in general annoys you? I have to say people who take each other for granted,people...

Ever heard of the vocoliod story,Daughter of Evil? I love the song and story!

Ever have a fake friend? I did.Two.

What do you post most? I think I post polls and questions most.

What show/movie/book/anime/ect. makes you legitimately cry? For me the only show I've e...

Have you ever read/written a fanfiction?And if you haven't than would ever consider rea...

Favorite fairytale(s)? Mine are Sleeping Beauty and Rumpulskilsin.

Scariest/weirdest memory/event(s) that's happened to you,family,or a friend that's 100%...

How do you handle people who are rude/basically evil? I haven't had to deal with people...

Are you a good muliti-tasker? As I write this I'm trying on clothes for school.