OK, so can someone explain what in the nine hells is going on here?

I do want to know, because it could all be resolved peacefully and with people not leaving
on July 27, 2016
on July 27, 2016

*does a victory dance* I beat it, I beat it, Nananananana, I Beat Never winter nights 2! After so many bloody years of playing, I freaking beat the main campaign! i feel so happy!
on July 26, 2016

Good night,
Sleep tight,
Sleep tight,
on July 26, 2016

Dungeon_Master added a new chapter to Blood of Dragons
We're off on an adventure!
"Stoping who now?" Rathashan quizzed. "The Burning Man, an extremely powerful pyromancer with power rivaling that of a minor deity" The archmage explained calmly with his hands behind his back, his fingers fiddling like mad. Rathashan widened his eyes "He what?! And I'm supposed to stop him! Alone!?! Have you gone mad!!!?? I-I mean, um... are you sure about this M'lord?" Rathashan stuttered after his initial outburst. The Archmage chuckled at his stuttering and continued "Aye, I am sure." and...
Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2016

https://www.qfeast.com/story/g9opsC/Blood-of-Dragons?ref=sl Please have a read and I welcome any pointers

Blood of Dragons
Abandoned at the doors of the Arcane tower, a little babe cries, eyes of brass and hair of gold, a half breed, between elf and man... And the blood of ancient fire running through his veins. The fate of the land rests on him, but where he leads it, no-one knows...
on July 26, 2016


on July 22, 2016

on July 22, 2016
on July 22, 2016

Well, may as well start an RP. Anyone can join
Dareskilith: *meditating in the middle of a forest grove, a the soft light radiating around him*
Dareskilith: *meditating in the middle of a forest grove, a the soft light radiating around him*

Tyler: "I'm no prepared person...nora warrior, and look at how far I've come. You don't always need to be prepared. Now, let's find your friend....or something..."
on February 28, 2017

Dareskilith: Look, I just became... something.. and I don't feel comfortable about this new me... and we are in a foreign land in a dimension other than our own. I might be a warrior yes, but a warrior unprepared is like a magic user without spells... useless, and that is what I am. A mage with no magic and a warrior with no preperation here
on February 27, 2017

Tyler: "Thought you were supposed to be the athletic warrior type...but I suppose it's less work...let's go ask him then."
on February 27, 2017

Dareskilith: I think it would be best if we just get Krik to find someone to just send us, I do not feel like walking around.
on February 27, 2017

on February 27, 2017
on July 21, 2016

on July 21, 2016

Ok, I think I've calmed down fully now. SO! *claps* How's everyones day been?

Then do something interesting, use your imagination, read a book, talk to someone new
on July 20, 2016
on July 20, 2016

You know what? I give up, I f*cking give up, I am done trying to find middle ground and make people find understanding. Trying to make peace and attempting to help people who post unfounded and even the slightest bit hurtful comments learn to look back and factor in others and how they would feel. I am so done with humanities shit and with how people do not care for others. I hear so much about equality groups yet it all just looks like a lie to cover up another hate. Can we have See More gender equality? Yes, but we don't need people going to idiotic extremes and posting things that make no sense. Can we have racial equality? Yes, but we don't need a protest or a riot, we just need someone who is willing to listen and not someone who will march a small army onto the streets. Can we have Sexual equality? Sure, but anyone who doesn't want to know or doesn't care is homophobic and is a bastard. Can we have religious equality? By the looks of things here, NO, Not at all apparently, we must all divide and sub divide into groups and challenge each other and look at them as "cringe worthy". What the hell folks?! THEY ARE PEOPLE! THEY HAVE EMOTIONS, OPINIONS AND FEELINGS AS WELL! Who cares if we go to Heaven or Hell or nowhere or Hades? (huh, lots of afterworlds starting with H) That is afterwards. Let us just all enjoy each others company, no matter what gender, sexuality, race or religion. I mean, we're all human after all.
on July 19, 2016

Hello? Anyone home?

And now we are on separate paths. Which reminds me, no-one on here knows about my current girlfriend
on July 15, 2016
on July 15, 2016