You are sometimes a bit mad but you are intelligent and are always true to your friends. You like to travel and are never in the same place for too long.
Although your name would be Samantha, people would call you Sam because Samantha was just too formal for your tomboy-ish personality. You'd much rather hang out with the boys than spend a night at a slumber party. The word slumber party made you shiver, didn't it?
You believe that a human being's basic nature is not confined to the body or the mind. Beyond both of these is the spirit or the spark of God within the soul. This spirit is within us and also within everything we see.
You like to curl up when you sleep; experts say this means you are seeking comfort. You enjoy organizing, especially your own living spaces. You are very conscientious, but always in danger of over thinking your problems. Your biggest problem may be that you are feeling lonely. Try talking to other people more. A good activity for you to do may be reading a good book. A good job could be an interior designer.
Ok sorry but you shall go to war with your counties greatest enemy yall plan a sneak attack. while doing your mission due to a spy the enemy was able to have the upper hand. You were sadly shot 6 times in the chest.
You made it to the end! Well done *claps*. You know a thing or two about zombie killin', and you know it's 'every man for himself'! I think you're ready if the zombies come you're way!
You are funny and upbeat and prefer to see the bright side of things, however, you need friendship or you will become someone you don't want to be. You regret past mistakes and wish you could take them back. You are friendly and see anyone as welcome into your group