fallout are you fit to wear power armor finds out how much you know about fallout 3 through new vegas including names quest objectives and weapons coppertop740 published on December 13, 2012 Stacked 1/10 who are the slaver army in new vegas NCR brotherhood of steel caesars legion the boomers the great kahns 2/10 who do you help make the wasteland survival guide in fallout 3 Moira brown the antagonizer the enclave 3/10 what is the name of the utility used to help manage you equipment and use vats pip-boy power armor tesla coils herpes radiation 4/10 what is the main livestock in fallout 3 mole rat brahmin deathclaw ants radscorpions 5/10 what is the main weapon used by the NCR minigun gauss rifle service rifle 10mm pistol sniper rifle 6/10 with the jury rigging perk what are the basic rules of repairing armor after that perk applies all armor can be reapired with any armor all armor accept power armor can be repaired with itself light with light medium with medium heavy with heavy the same rules apply 7/10 what is the name of the armor used by the special force of the enclavein fallout 3 lyons pride power armor tesla coil armor t-45d power armor t-51b power armor remnant armor 8/10 who are the "bad guys" in fallout 3 the brotherhood of steel the enclave the chinese the talons the van graffs 9/10 who rules over new vegas upon completion of the house always wins the mysterious Mr. house the NCR the brotherhood of steel the boomers the legion 10/10 what types of weapons do the brotherhood primarily use guns and bullets melee weapons energy weapons