ok Whatever Talk to the hand

on November 12, 2014

*talks to the hand* hello *has a staring contest with hand and loses * dang it 0^0
on October 18, 2014
on October 14, 2014

Do you guys even care if I get on anymore ? You probably didn't even notice I was gone vote yes or no I'll check in 24 hours if more yes's I'll post more and if no's then I might just leave......
on October 10, 2014

Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> <($$)> ~(##)~ ~(@@)~ <(` `)> ~(*3*)~~(*3*)~
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> <($$)> ~(##)~ ~(@@)~ <(` `)> ~(*3*)~~(*3*)~
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
on September 12, 2014

hey, if you have minecraft, you should join Celest and I in factions, go to her for all the info ;)
on September 02, 2014

on August 27, 2014


I'm so sorry to have bothered you I have to go to bed now ( I wake up way too early for some reason and have no control over it ) but when you are on again maybe we can talk I have to go to school usually though
on August 26, 2014
on August 26, 2014

Hey I haven't been on in a while and I'm finally back into qfeast for awhile and I was wondering if your kinda starting to get back on more
on August 26, 2014


maybe you could ask him when school starts back, I bet he got in trouble for some reason and his mom deleted it or something
on July 10, 2014

I would have expected it to be his mom cough what he had been doing here, and deleted it and grounded him....
on July 10, 2014

on July 09, 2014
on July 09, 2014

on June 12, 2014

dudeyou gotta get on more, it's hard for me to know what's going on with my friends if they never talk to me.....
on May 22, 2014


on May 19, 2014
on May 13, 2014

French fries!
on May 10, 2014

on May 09, 2014